Have not put up a tune for a while. So hearing this on the old CD player in the car last night coming back from milking, I thought. "Let's start my 2018 music odyssey with a bit of Dancin" and Prancin." I'm off now for a bit of Dancin" and Prancin" around the kitchen getting dinner ready.
Our youngest Tilly caught this bit of video of the pups this morning having a tug of war in the puppy pen. The protagonists are both tricoloured boys, black and white boy, and the black and white girl, Dimpsey Dot, joined at the end by Blenheim boy, Harvey with the tricoloured girl, Skye playing around the main action. Just about managed half awake early this morning to catch this little bit of Little Bertie playing with his brother that we refer to as Double Dot. He had prowled right across the pen with his brother unknowing of his impending doom of a Little Bertie attack, but I just managed to catch the end of his prowl by the time I had switched on and got the camera working. Blottie can go in and out to her pups as she wants to. This morning our son, Thomas took photos of some of her pups waiting for her as she slept happily the other side of the puppy pen.
Our son Thomas got some lovely photos of the four boys in Blottie's litter yet to be chosen this morning. I have two families yet to visit and choose their pup from these four handsome chaps, but we are still looking for homes for two of these boys. If interested in one of Blottie's handsome boys, please feel free to contact me after taking the time to read the Puppies available or The POUNDLANE Spaniel page which tells you all about the provenance of Blottie's ten puppies. It may also be good to read up on my Rules of engagement aka things that do my head in and The art of first contact: The 10 point plan. If you get what I'm doing, feel free to give me a ring on 01769 560969 for a no pressure chat. Midday is normally the best time to catch me near the phone I've listened to apparently whales mimicking humans, but it sounds more like humans trying really hard to make human words sound similar to sounds killer whales can make. Humans are so easily influenced and I guess a lot of the students working on this research so want this, that they don't realize they are actually mimicking the killer whales. The BBC headline with this The killer whale that can 'speak' but if you took away the the human speaking in the video below, you would not recognize any of the sounds the killer whales are making as human words. The Mirror test has been seen as the go to test, to test an animal if they have self awareness and probably has done more harm than good in understanding animals. Unfortunately, humans have tried to understanding other animals from the way they perceive the world themselves. So as a species that is evolving primarily forsaking many of our other senses to rely more and more heavily on just sight. We struggle to understand being self aware, unless it is looking in a mirror preening ourselves.
Finally some in science are going beyond the looking glass The sniff test of self-recognition confirmed: Dogs have self-awareness Puppy tip: Don't buy a jute rug if you are getting a puppy. Puppies really like chewing jute. We still have two spaces for boy pups left on this litter. So if interested in one of Blottie's handsome boys, please feel free to contact me after taking the time to read the Puppies available or The POUNDLANE Spaniel page which tells you all about the provenance of Blottie's ten puppies. It may also be good to read up on my Rules of engagement aka things that do my head in and The art of first contact: The 10 point plan. If you get what I'm doing, feel free to give me a ring on 01769 560969 for a no pressure chat. Midday is normally the best time to catch me near the phone.
Blottie's sister Bumble is approaching 4 weeks since her last mating being mated over a period of 10 days from first to last mating. We had a strange old do with Ernest mating Bumble during those 10 days, which I will do a blog about at a later date, along with Blottie's preference for Ernest rather than his Dad, Toby. It's been interesting mating these two sisters. Although I worried about Ernest's judgement (which will become clear when I blog at a later date) I think he may of got it right with what I think I can feel developing in Bumble's abdominal area. I would not want to call if for sure yet, but I'm hoping Ernest got it right. Bumble and Ernest rest on my lap
On CRUFFA Public Group | Facebook page someone put up the article Purebred Dog Breeds into the Twenty-First Century - Seppala Kennels that Jemmia Harrison says, "This article was, in fact, the inspiration for Pedigree Dogs Exposed... along with this one from Pat Burns/Terrierman Inbred Thinking." Both are really worth a read, especially for those who are on the verge of looking outside their breeds closed off gene pool. They have been a comfort and inspiration in the off the beaten path of purity I have taken.
Took this bit of video late last night, as the pups blow off steam before lights out. Blottie's pups are now 46 days old and with two already reserved, this weekend we have more visitors to view Blottie's litter and hopefully reserve pups. We only have one girl left which I'm pretty sure will not be available after this weekend. So that leaves just handsome boys. We have two spaces left on this litter. So if interested in one of Blottie's handsome boys, please feel free to contact me after taking the time to read the Puppies available or The POUNDLANE Spaniel page which tells you all about the provenance of Blottie's ten puppies. It may also be good to read up on my Rules of engagement aka things that do my head in and The art of first contact: The 10 point plan. If you get what I'm doing, feel free to give me a ring on 01769 560969 for a no pressure chat. Midday is normally the best time to catch me near the phone. Caught this bit of video of Blottie suckling her pups just before 5 am this morning. Now at 44 days old it's early mornings and late nights, as we start the process of toilet training. Catching them as they wake up and weather permitting getting them outdoors to toilet. Blottie has now started to wean her pups, as they are now eating more than they suckle. Her visits to them now are not just to feed and clean up after them (she's quite happy for me to clean up after them now), but to also socially interact with them. The video shows how Blottie feeds tens pups with only seven teats, as three pups wait for the change over. Blottie is proving to be a pretty chilled and amazing Mum. The pup we are keeping from Blottie's litter, Teagol snuggles up with her Mum
“The greatest pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him, and not only will he not scold you,but he will make a fool of himself, too.”
― Samuel Butler Me (Jane) with Puddin' and Teagol, waiting patiently to flush a patch of kale, December 2019
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