![]() Another one of Smudge's pups from her first litter joins us to reciprocate Happy Second Birthday greetings to her siblings. Hi Jane, we have been enjoying seeing the photos of Hunny's brothers and sisters enjoying their second birthday celebrations. The last 2 years have flown by and having Hunny as part of our family has been a complete joy. The puppies from Smudge's second litter look lovely :) Best wishes to your family. Karen Looks like Hunny had a bumper second birthday. Thanks for the lovely photo of Hunny and lets hope all her siblings and Hunny have many more birthdays. ![]() Kayla left us today from Smudge's second litter we have now and are nearly nine weeks old. Just got this email and a couple photos of her in the car on the way home. Hi Jane, just wanted to let you know that we got home fine. Kayla fell asleep almost immediately, woke up for a little play after a couple of hours and went back to sleep for the last hour our so. She's already had great fun charging round the garden and playing with Adam (our son)! Lynne Thanks Lynne for letting me know you all got home okay and look forward to hopefully hearing how you are all getting on in the future. ![]() Another birthday greeting has come in, this time from the Lunn family. Hi Jane, as you can see from the photo, being the grand old age of 2 is a tiring business ! Happy Birthday to all Archie's brothers and sisters ! Love the Lunns and Archie xxxx P.s hope Jessica has adapted well and Smudge's latest pups are all gorgeous ! Archie is Ollie's and Millie's brother, and it looks like Archie is all partied out on his second birthday. Thanks Angie and hope you all had a great day with your boy at the grand old age of 2. ![]() Looks like Ollie's sister Millie has been having fun on her second birthday. Just got this cute photo and email from Alison. Hi Jane Millie wishes her siblings a happy second birthday and we are looking forward to primroses arrivals mother-in-law and children and me are all very excited ! Love Alison x Alison's mother-in law is hoping for a pup from Primrose who is having our next litter in 2014 and it will be our last for the year as well. Thanks for this Alison, hope you had a great day. ![]() Got back from milking, done the dogs and cup of coffee in hand and taking a look at my inbox and in came this, Ollie. Ollie is from Smudge's first litter and was one of her bumper litter of nine pups. Hi Jane, can't believe Ollie is 2 now, still thinks he's still a pup though :) Hope you and your family are all well. Sharon Thanks Sharon for the very sweet photo of your Ollie on his second birthday and wishing his eight siblings, Crumble, Archie, Lola, Tiggy, Darcey, Hunny, Millie and Dougle a great second birthday also. Looks like Ollie is set for a fun day, looking at his pink tiara. Lol ![]() Kayla is the next to leave of Smudge's pups and tomorrow afternoon the Oliver family will arrive to pick her up too join their family. Her little bag is packed and paper work all together ready for the off. Smudge's Cavapoo pups are now nearly nine weeks old and when Kayla leaves tomorrow we will have the three boys and Mollie the only girl left with us for around another three weeks, as they stay with us to complete their primary vaccination course before going to their new homes. Mollie is going to have to keep her three brothers in order for the next few weeks. We end on a video of the three boys trying to get one of my husband's slippers through their pen railings. You have to admire their persistence with the slipper of adversity. Even though only one pup has left so far from Smudge's litter of six, it is noticeable and have to keep remembering on head counting that all our present that there is now five and not six. Smudge has done such a wonderful job with rearing her brood and her laid back attitude to it all hopefully have been passed to her pups. Video tonight of the pups was taken this afternoon, as I found our daughter Molly on the patio filming, as she says at the start of the video, she is, "filming nature", I don't think any Hollywood directors or David Attenborough needs to get worried just yet. Lol. As she films me with Harvey and then Kayla, I noticed that the bruise I have on the back of my left hand shows up more on camera than it does in the flesh and is the remnants of a lot bigger bruise after I saved a fresh calved heffer from hitting her foot against a metal bar by cushioning it with my hand, in other words, I got kicked. The parlours I milk in are herring bone, but in this one the cows are also milked from the side still and for the best part of the time even the fresh calved heffers (A young cow that has had its first calf) rarely create much fuss to be milked, but this girl just decided to kick out and just caught my hand between her foot and the stall bar some way in front of her, thought I had broken it for a minute, but as a rule of thumb, if you can bare the pain and still work it, you keep going and for the most times nothing will of been broken. Last time I hurt a hand was a few years back when opening a door to a parlour and two cows tried to squeeze through a one cow door and my hand was still wrapped around the handle and with the force of one of the cows against my hand I lost my finger nail on my finger on my right hand next to my little finger and I think it must of dislocated slightly, as the end is now more bent over to the side, learnt to let go of the handle quicker though. As for the heffer that caught me around three weeks ago, I gave her the benefit of the doubt, as sometimes if their unaware your there they can lift a leg out of surprise as you touch their udder. So I just approached her again talking to her, so she was aware I was there and I then put the cluster on with no problem and three weeks later she has not lifted her leg since. When they weigh around 500 to 750 kilos and you weigh around 53 kilos and on a good day with the wind behind you can muster 55 kilos, its best to take a diplomatic approach to a cow letting you milk it and make sure you have a kicking bar (this is a device that is a metal bar in the shape of a c that fits up under the back leg by the stfle and hooks up over the hind quarters and then if the cow tries to kick it causes her a bit of discomfort and most cows this is enough to stop them kicking) to hand if that don't work. Lol You also may notice I've had my shearing ready for the summer ( look out for Arctic conditions from now on) and I am now sporting the same haircut as our youngest daughter who attempted to cut her own hair a few weeks back and we keep laughing because I keep saying, "We look like twins now," but she tells me "You can't be my twin Mummy, because you are my Mummy." Really late now, did not realise the time, so a quick finish with a photo of the two oldest dogs on the place now, Dolly and Ysobel, who are both seven years old and now retired from breeding.
The first pup from Smudge's litter left to day for its new home with Lucy and Alan this morning. Thanks Lucy for letting me know you got home to Kent without having to stop on route and apparently only a few whimpers in the first 20 minutes, as I said she might do and she then settled to make the trip without needing to stop. It really does help to prep for the trip home with a pup, which is getting the timing right, with pup having a good play and winding down for sleep time as you leave on your trip home. We also use the Adaptil spray which we spray around the bedding area for a couple days before leaving and the pup leaves with a snuggle toy with the litter scent and Adaptil spray on it. We also get you to spray the area in the car the pup will travel in and your tummy area twenty minutes before you leave. Adaptil contains the canine appeasing pheromone that bitches naturally produce in their milk and is known to help pups cope with stress and provides reassurance when encountering new things in their life. We started using it because of positive feed back from people who had our pups and had used it and reading the science, I think it does help the majority of pups, especially if used together with a good routine with your pup and remembering to be calm and reassuring with your pup as they enter this new phase in their life, becoming a much loved member of your family. All pups leave with a 60ml spray bottle of Adaptil to help with the first days being in their new home and information on this product can be found on their website at www.adaptil.com Looking forward to hopefully hearing how Flora is getting on in the near future. All the best Lucy, Alan and Flora. Normally milk on a Tuesday morning, but as Lucy and Alan wanted to pick up Flora at 9.30am and I don't normally get back until 10am and you know if you got to get back something will go wrong, so last week booked the morning off, so today with children all back to school my husband and I had a day together childless, which does not happen often. I had to milk this afternoon, so by the time we got jobs done , dogs run out etc, we sat down for lunch and after lunch we got a chance to enjoy each others company, which saw me falling asleep on our pouffe with some of the dogs, which husband took great fun in capturing as evidence against me. Lol. After two weeks none stop with our six very active children, what was my husband expecting ?
Finally got this to load ! Henry gets his dreaming in the afternoon sun, come true, a run along the river and a bit of a swim. Henry was joined by Treacle and Dolly. Love watching the dogs enjoy themselves just being dogs. Henry loves to swim, all of our dogs seem to like the water, but Henry really loves the stuff and although I spent a lot of the time not filming when I thought I was filming and filming when I thought I was not filming ( like an idiot), among all the footage of just the ground, I did manage to catch some footage of Henry swimming. WARNING : In the video I do refer to our oldest son and Henry as "two lanky buggers together." Although most will know the dictionary definition of the word " bugger," for some reason in North Devon, when we use it, its as a term of endearment, not any thing to do with its original meaning. Lastly, as I forgot earlier, an update on Primrose who is around six weeks pregnant now and is starting to blossom and is very well in herself. She is such a pretty little thing, with such a gentle very mothering nature. First a big thank you to all those who have contacted me on the blog and in my inbox wishing Jessica a speedy recovery. Feel a bit rude that I did not do this thank you on my last blog, better late than never. Lovely to hear from people over four years ago that had a pup from us, before I even had the website, still tune in, thanks for that. Jessica is going great guns and is not in the crate at all now and the Elizabethan collar has been put in the childrens dressing up box. At night just to be careful she sleeps with Smudge in the living room, keeping Smudge company on puppy vigil. Smudge can go in with her pups as she wishes to, she is still letting her pups have the occasional suckle and enjoys playing with them and inspecting any one coming across the patio to visit my Mum in the annexe. Also a bit of a belated Happy Easter for those who passover, pass through or pass out at this time of year. Many will of passed out over this weekend through alcohol intolerence and will of no doubt re-enacted the resurrection of Jesus Christ this morning or mid afternoon, painful isn't it. I'm just going to say one thing to you,"BANG !" serves you right, I have no sympathy because you did not ask me along. Lol. ![]() Smudge's Cavapoo pups are eight weeks old today and tomorrow the first pup, Flora will leave us for her new home. Her little bag is packed ready for the off. The first ones to leave are the easiest to see go, as you have the others to occupy yourself with, its when you keep one on for a bit longer for someone when the rest have left, it gets a bit more of an emotional seperation. We have the second pup leaving next Sunday and then its not until just over twelve weeks the other four leave us, so plenty more time for fun and mischief before all this litter leaves us. Just took a quick little video of Flora before leaving us, she had just woke up, so a little subdued. Didn't think I had many photo's of the pups over the last few days, but unloaded the camera and was surprised by the amount of photo's on there. With several of the children also taking a snap shots of the pups, when they think they see a nice photo opportunity with the pups, makes for interesting viewing when I get to load them up on the computer. Last, as I'm just going to get off to the river with some of the dogs and maybe some children ( milked all over the weekend and this is the first day of the holiday my husband and I have been home all day both together, so a romantic walk, if you can do that with six children and assortment of dogs), a lovely capture just took by my son, of Henry under the table behind me in the afternoon sun rays coming through the patio doors, probably dreaming of having a walk along the river, see dreams can come true, "come on Henry, race you to the river."
Jessica getting her balance, pups get vaccinated and micro chipped, a reply and is that a hennin ?18/4/2014
Jessica is doing really well and is adapting to having three legs, as if she has always had just three legs. The wound is looking very clean and she shows no signs of discomfort, although on pain relief, you might expect a little discomfort to be evident. One of the vets who attended her the night we took her in to the vets, was on farm at the one of the farms my husband works on today and said she was amazed how Jessica was taking it all, showing no stress. Tried to get some video footage of her moving about today, but it was hard because losing her leg does not seem to of slowed her up much. Showing this, I hope that it helps any one else out there going through their dog losing a leg and can see how quick they can adjust. All the other dogs have shown interest in Jessica's wound, all having a good sniff. Primrose is now around five weeks pregnant and a most definite filling can be seen in her abdominal area now. She is well in herself and all the dogs seem to be blossoming as Spring moves towards Summer. Smudge other than her obvious milk bars, you would not think has given birth to six pups nearly eight weeks ago and is still giving them sustenance by the condition she is carrying, but she's a good grubber and laid back, which does help. Her pups today are now seven weeks and three days old. The video was taken this afternoon of the six of them in their bed, altogether after having had the vet visit and do their first vaccinations, kennel cough (drops up the nose) and micro chip them. A bit of whimpering with all of them and if you see the size of the micro chip needle, you would excuse them for a few whimpers, soon forgotten after a good sleep though. A family came to visit us today, who are having a pup from Primrose's litter to be born in a few weeks time, a fire on the M5 caused them to be later than expected, which meant an overlap with the vet arriving, so we had a bit of a full house of dogs children pups, vet and veterinary nurse. They also got to see and hear the pups being examined and injected. The video is of them starting to wake after the trauma of injections. All pups where vet checked, with no concerns by our vet. A view photo's of the pups. Yesterday Mollie's family came to visit again, as down in Devon on holiday and they really noticed how much Mollie has grown, since they first saw her at around four weeks old. Lovely when people can make a few visits before picking up, as you can see the development stages close up. Pups make so much growth physically and mentally in the first months and although a short period compared to the rest of their life, it is one of the most important development times of their life for their health physically and mentally. I have been meaning to publish this reply to my email that I sent Geoffrey Cox MP about the legislation for micro chipping dogs, that I published on my blog on the 06/03/2014 and as you can see a little time has elapsed. I really ought to work in the legal professions with this sort of speed. Lol. Any way lets hope Mr Cox puts this forward with passion and remembers also to include the details of the breeder to also be recorded. The Kennel Club (KC) ain't going to like this because it will create another register that as a secondary function can produce a dogs ancestory, so hence all dogs even mutt's could potentially have a recorded pedigree. I can see them marching on Westminster now, banners aloft saying, " Stop Mutt's having pedigrees now ! " and chanting, "What do we want ?", "Just pure breeds !" Lol No doubt the Kennel Club will be tendering for the contract to oversea microchip data bases, lavishly licking the proverbial arse of Westminster to get it. If the Government are switched on ,this microchip data base with recording of parents and the breeders, it could be a profit maker. You only have to see what the Kennel Club turnover out of registration to see that if done right,( reportedly they took eleven million in just registration fees alone in 2011, they won't break this down because they say, its to commercially sensitive. Lol) it could be an earner for the treasury or at least pay for its self. Lets end on a lighter note. Came in round to the living room earlier to see Tilly eating her apple beside Jessica in her crate, (which we are using while she convalesces) and wondered what she had on her head. With closer inspection and quickly getting the camera, we can see it a dogs Elizabethan collar, in fact the collar Jessica came home from the vet with and when she's not wearing it (its to stop her chewing at her wound and we have only needed to put it on her at night, as she does not seem to be bothered by the wound when we are around), it seems to make a nice hat and reminds me of the medieval hats worn by ladies called a Hennin. So f you have one of these from a dog having an operation, don't throw it out, but if you have young children you should put it in their dressing up box. Lol We picked up Jessica from the vets this afternoon and although in your mind you know what's been done, run through the procedure several times, seeing it really brings it home, Jessica has had a leg amputated. You just have to put it in prospective and a lovely saying commonly used by Devonians, comes to mind, "T'is a long way from yer heart." When we got home, Jessica had the longest pee, I have ever waited for a dog to do and I was starting to consider she was stuck in a crouching position, for her to then hop off, to show us how already she is adjusting to her three legs and went at an almost running pace to the back door wanting to go in with the other dogs. We are going to have to be really careful with her and the other dogs, so we have erected a crate in the front room for her to sleep in and rest in when not under strict supervision. Healing this is now the priority, so we have to be careful that she does not over exercise, jump around or get accidently bumped by the other dogs. The children are all willing nursemaids and Jessica is a most willing patient, which was commented on in the vets, that she was a dog that really liked to have a cuddle and enjoyed the moments that they had time to just sit with her and pet her. I think she's going to be fine with just the three legs, just got to get her wounds healed. Going to end this blog on something that happened today which was funny, although a little rude. This morning I took a phone call from a gentleman inquirying about our puppies, as the conversation progressed I then asked the gentleman this, "What sex do you prefer ?" The phone went silent and quickly realising I might of not made what I was inquirying about clear and said, "Sorry, I mean what sex, do you prefer for a puppy ?" and followed on by saying, " you wondered whether you had the right number then", and he replied, "You did make me think for a second then", and we both laughed and the conversation was down hill from there.Lol. Nothing like breaking the ice with someone.
Little Brian is now officially called Jake, so now all Smudge's Cavapoo pups have names, Kayla, Flora, Mollie, Chester, Harvey and Jake. They are now just over seven weeks old and this Thursday they will be microchipped and have their first vaccinations and then next Tuesday we will see the first one leave us, being Flora. Photo's are from the last five days. Sorry for the short puppy report, but we have had a accident happen with our Jessica. Last night we put the dogs out last thing , before they go to the utility to all sleep together and one was missing, Jessica. I went outside calling and looking for her. My husband went to the front door and their she was sat and she rose as he approached to give David her customary tail wagging greeting and then David noticed as she rose she had been sat in a pool of blood and in the light it looked like her leg was where the blood had come from. He called me and said, "I think we have a problem here with Jessica, that does not look good." He opened the front door and even with her leg hanging, before David could pick her up, without a sound she hopped in through the door and then in the full light of the front room we could then see the extent of the damage to her leg. Some how she had skinned from the hock to the foot and the skin was attached still by a few strands to her hock and to the pad of her foot. It did not need any further investigation to know that she needed to be got to a vet and hope the leg could be saved. Any one who thinks Cavaliers are wimps, should of seen Jessica last night and her stoicism would of humbled even the hardest of hearts. We think she must of climbed the fence of the property, as she likes to do and often with her brother Toby and on jumping back down must of got caught up some how, but we heard no scream or whimper, looking at the wound it was made quick cleanly and with force, which would fit with her jumping down and wire twisting round her leg like a tourniquet and with the down ward force of her body weight would of had the effect of cheese wire on the leg. This happened just after 11 pm and by 11.30 pm we where at the vets and we left her, as they where about to put her under anesthetic and get a better look at the injury. We got home and the phone rang and the vet had some disappointing news, but expected news. On closer inspection under anesthetic it was apparent that most her toes where dislocated and the hock was very unstable and talking with the vet, we decided that the best outcome was to amputate the leg at the thigh, so last night they dressed the leg and made her comfortable on pain killers and today performed the amputation of her back leg, she has come through the surgery well and it was felt best to keep her in the vets again tonight to keep her nice and quiet and assess her tomorrow morning, to hopefully come home. Missing her, but she is in the best place at the moment to be kept quiet. I'm confident with her dainty build and being very fit, that she will soon adjust to her new conformation, dogs can easily cope with being on three legs, especially if a small dog. I did joke with the vet when he rang me as they performed the surgery, to tell us they had also noticed that she had damaged the end of her tail, which needed to be tidied up as well, that if I applied docking tail ideology, that perhaps I should remove a leg from each dog, if a dog can cope on three legs, because it would reduce the chance of damaging a leg by 25%. Sorry about that bad joke. So I'm hoping to have her home tomorrow and although I've had dogs break a leg and one had to have an eye removed, a dog having a leg removed is a new one for me, although I have known dogs with three legs, so I'm on a learning curve. Been a busy weekend here at Poundlane with visitors on both days, one family yesterday came to meet the pack and hoping for a pup from Primrose and today for Liza to meet the pack and pick her boy from Smudge's litter, and finally yesterday getting around to taking our oldest, now 14 out for his birthday (which was nearly a month ago),with four of his friends, with supper at our home. With all our children, that made ten children for supper last night and thought I had done to much food, but as I'm finding out growing teenage boys, that are very active, seem to be bottomless pits when it comes to food, although none went hungry, as they got through five pizza's, 3 kilos of chunky chips and around 2 and 1/2 kilos of raspberries and strawberries, my husband thought we could have, anything left over for our supper, we ended up with the bowl of salad, which was the only thing left. Lol Pups are well and the second boy got picked today and meet Liza, who's family he will become part of and she choose Brian 2, who will now be called, Harvey. Have now informed the family having the last boy, that they are having Little Brian and they are going to get back to me with a name, before thay visit him in a couple weeks time, as he is staying with us until 12 weeks old, as is Chester, Mollie and Harvey, which should be fun, especially for our children. Will post more footage of Smudge's pups tomorrow, tonight is Reggie night. Just caught Reggie sitting in his usual place on the lawn, enjoying the evening sunrays. This spot he can see me in the kitchen, watch his pups on the patio and keep an eye on the gate. Reggie is just such a gentleman and we are very lucky to have such a sweetheart of a dog. The first photo I saw of him and his four siblings, it was him straight away I new I wanted, its his eye's. When you have been around animals a lot and I include humans in that equation, you can tell a lot about them from the expression emanated from the eye's, after all it is said, 'Eyes are the window to the soul." As souls go, Reggie's eyes do not lie. Lovely and bright here today, although a bit chilly still, so took the chance to start the pups adventuring beyond the patio gate and caught their first excursion beyond the patio gate on video. Yesterday when Primrose was scanned I popped into Mole Valley Farmers a country store to aquire some puppy collars, as the pups had kitten collars on and it was time to put proper collars on them, so you will notice that their collars are different. Mollie still has a red collar and it has white spots, Kayla has a red collar with pink and white stars, Flora has a pink and brown collar with a circle pattern on it, Chester's collar is blue with white dots, Little Brian's collar is blue with a pattern of white bone and paw shapes on it and Brian 2's collar is blue with white and light blue stars on it. Some of this video was filmed by me and then our daughter Florrie decided to have a go and the bit when I'm filming the pup's Granny, Millie, Florrie thought the battery had gone in the camera, but it turned out that she had not pressed record and the blip and shut down whilst she thought she was filming, was the camera shutting down if when turned on its not used in a certain time. We still managed to catch some more moments of them and Little Brian as usual seems to steal the show and is very funny when he encounters some logs on the lawn (we are laying the road hedge of the property at the moment or I should say, my husband is and I get used for ballast hanging off a rope stopping each tree as its sawn through from falling towards the road, my husband tends to forget my size compared to the tree and cheekily tells me on such occasions that, you know a little donkey always travels best heavily laden) and decided they looked a bit scary, so then heads back to his siblings with much haste. Also you will see Little Brian doing the classic coming down the grass bank with the top going faster than the legs and head butts the tarmac, Mollie though in the mean time off camera is the first to reach the banks summit and is seen being deterred from going over the sucken wall into the patio by our son, who has called himself, Broom Sergeant Alfie. Just a few photo's tonight, but a couple nice ones of Smudge sleeping on the bench overlooking her pups, we keep a chair the other side of the pen against the side of the bench so mum can go in and out to her pups as she pleases and so do most of the rest of the dogs now and the pups seem to be eating a lot of puppy food. lol Only a couple weeks now and the first couple pups from this litter will be leaving us and I have started in earnset now to get their puppy packs together for them. Lastly tonight we have a few captures of Dolly and Henry. ![]() Primrose has been scanned this morning and confirmed what I could feel, that she is in pups. Three could be definately seen and a maybe four, as Primrose really tucks up her abdomen when she is scanned, which makes it harder to see everything in her uterus. Having seen a lot of scans I would think from the quality of the images for each fetus that she has conceived from her later mating and is only just 28 days pregnant. From her first mating she could whelp any time from around the 12th May and if conceived from her last mating, we may see them arrive closer to the 16th May. Thank you everyone for equirying about the pup that unexpectantly became available, we had an email last night just after putting it on the website from a friend of the family who are having Chester, so at this time we hopefully now have all Smudge's Cavapoo pups sorted for their new homes. Sorry its been nearly a week since my last blog, with children breaking up from school the end of last week and being asked to do some extra milkings, its been a bit busy. The sun has made a welcome come back although a little catchy still with a sneaky cold breeze about, but weather you can get outside and get some work done. As the title suggests we have had a puppy become available from Smudge's litter, as the family having him circumstances have changed and they are unable to have a puppy now, so I have been through our waiting list, but either holidays or the wrong sex for those waiting on our next litter means, that he is now being put up on our blog. We have the second boy puppy being picked this weekend, so on sunday we will know which boy it is that is available. It is out of the two boy pups I have been calling Little Brian and Brian 2. The boy pup will be ready to leave us from the 22nd April 2014 after having his first vaccination and being microchipped or he can stay until 12 weeks old and have his full primary course of vaccinations and leave then any time from the 20 May 2014. To see cost and protocol for taking the option of leaving the pup with us until 12 weeks old, please read our page. 'Buying A Puppy From Poundlane.' If interested in this boy pup please feel free to contact me by phone on 01769 560969 or email me at [email protected] I will need to have a chat before you visit and you will need to be able to visit prior to visiting to pick the puppy up. Smudge's Cavapoo pups are now just over six weeks old and are into every thing, thankfully with the sun back it gives them the chance to be outside alot and helps with getting them used to going to the toilet outside, nearly all pooing is outdoors now and weeing is just being quick enough to get them all out the door when they wake up, but its getting there. The video is from a couple days ago when the sun decided to come back, after a few very dull damp days. On Saturday we meet the family choosing the first boy and with their two children and our six children bombing around the place finally decided it was Big Bob they are going to bring into their family and he is now called Chester James Bramble as these are the three names that the family had come up with their children, but for short he will be known as Chester. Our first Chester. Last night had two lovely email drop into my inbox, one was from Lisa, who has Ruby from Millie's last litter and the other was from Angie, who has Archie from Smudge's last litter. Both dogs live in the Exeter area and yesterday they where coincidently both in the same place and Lisa thought Ruby looked like Archie and then they spoke and found out that they where not only both from the same breeder but also related, they have the same Dad, reggie and Ruby's mum, millie is the mother of Archie's mum, Smudge, so they are half sibling and Ruby is Archie's half Auntie as well. Thanks you two for sharing with me the moment you met and lovely to see them both together. Dear Jane, Great excitement just now as we went for a bike ride at Haldon Hill, we spied a dog who looked very like Ruby. We discovered that they are both from you, however at first we thought they were brother and sister but I think Archie may have been from the litter after Millie's. Anyway it was lovely to see them together and they are related closely!! We both said what lovely temperaments they both have and how we'd both like another! Well, I shouldn't be greedy!! With warm wishes, Lisa ![]() Hi Jane, Hope you are all having fun there with all those gorgeous pups and lovely mummy Smudge! Just wanted to tell you that we met Ruby and her family today up at Haldon Hill! I thought that Ruby and Archie were from the same litter but have realised they are half brother and sister! But just still as exciting for them to meet! She is a little sweetie and Archie was almost twice her size! Here is a photo we took! ... Hopefully we'll bump into them again! Love to everyone there! Still really enjoying the blog! Angie xxx Today Angie also sent me this lovely photo of Archie on the beach, not sure which Devon beach it is , but I do know you said you go to Dawlish a lot. Thanks for this Angie. Lastly a few photo's of the pack and news on Primrose who is now around four weeks in pups. I'm pretty sure I can feel she is pregnant, tomorrow she is booked in at the vets to be scanned and hopefully this will confirm her in pups and give us an idea of how many she is carrying. I would say around the same as last time, which was four, but we will know more tomorrow. We also have a house guest for three weeks in Lucinda aka Lucy, who was a bitch we rehomed a few years ago, and when Sue and Jim go on holiday she comes back to stay with us. You will see from the photo's we have the dastardly duo of Henry and Treacle back together. Its been hard on the two of them being kept apart whilst Treacle was on heat for the first time, but as the photo's show they are back as thick as thieves again, my do they play and Treacle gives Henry no quarter and often he is heard begging for mercy, although being the biggest. Smudge's Cavapoo pups are now 38 days old and at nearly six weeks old are happy and confident to go from their bed and pen area out onto the patio without any coaxing. They are entering the curious stage and want to know what things are about, nothing is now safe from being chewed by them. Pups investigate their world through their mouths. At this age they have needle like baby teeth that surprisingly for their size, you certainly know if they get hold of your ankle, especially if bare. The video was taken yesterday when Treacle decided to jump into the patio for a play with the pups. As you will notice the patio wall gets a lot of jumping in and out of by the dogs, and this winter due to the wet our home like most in the UK has taken quite a beating and this summer we will hope weather permitting to get a fresh lick of paint around the place. Look out for Kayla showing how to make an exit from the puppy pen onto the patio, as you will see she seems unfazed by her roly poly. The drop from the side of the ramp on and off the patio is not to high that a pup should hurt themselves. My comments on the video when she does this, is that I think we have all been there when we have tripped or something along that line and carry on like nothings happened hoping no one noticed you nearly breaking your neck and looking a bit of a fool, although I doubt Kayla was concerned by any one seeing her acrobatics , but it is funny how she tumbles and appears to just carry on like that did not just happen. I nearly edited the last bit of the video out, but the children voted to keep it in, as they watched it and thought it funny. I picked up the pup which is the boy that looks a bit like Little Brian ( so until he is officially named by the family he will go to, I will refer to him as Brian 2). Brian 2, I then kiss and he reciprocated my affection and in the process he also paws my mouth and I also receive at the same time a waft of puppy poo, so my reaction is because I think I have puppy poo on my lip, as although we keep the pups very clean, sometimes they do step in their own doings at this age, turns out it was just the smell lingering on his foot and nothing on my face. This weekend will see the first two boys being chosen by their families and hopefully being officially named and then I will send photos of the last boy left to the person having the last boy and hopefully they will all then have official names. The last boy will meet his family the weekend after this one. At around six weeks the pups really come into the maximus cuteness stage and we are starting to get some lovely still captures of them. Little Brian seems to be the camera magnet and a natural in front of the camera, but look out Little Brian because there another Brian in town, looking at tonight's photos, Brian 2 looks like he also knows how to work it. Lol Smudge's Cavapoo pups reached five weeks old yesterday and I felt time to remove the whelping box and replace with a dog bed. The video is of them investigating the changes in their puppy pen. They are now around 4lb/just under 2 kilos and shows how much these pups have grown since being born, with an average birth weight of around 10 oz that means they have already put on five times at least their weight at birth. Photos are from the last five days up to this morning and show the pups like their new bed. Last night I wondered where Primrose was and then found her asleep in the puppy pen, which she can jump up over and get in, cuddled up with Kayla and Flora. Having the same dad as the pups mum, Smudge, makes Primrose their Auntie. Primrose does love nursing pups, anyones pups as you will see by the photos I caught of her with Kayla and Flora. Fingers crossed that Primrose is in pups, we will look to scan her next week when she is then around 28 days pregnant. All bitches are off heat now, so its nice to have the pack running as one again. Finish on some photos of the pack taken over the last few days. Love the photos of my husband, David eating toast, with four of the dogs giving him some good old cupboard love and when I say toast, looking at the butter on that I think its more like a slice of butter with some toast spread under it. Lol |
“The greatest pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him, and not only will he not scold you,but he will make a fool of himself, too.”
― Samuel Butler Me (Jane) with Puddin' and Teagol, waiting patiently to flush a patch of kale, December 2019
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