Just thought I would share some more sleepy photo's as can Cavaliers sleep. I think I might take my scatter cushions away as I seem to have lots of scatter Cavaliers to cover my sofas.
Click on photos to see full size. Madeleine thanks for your photo of Oliver swimming. Oliver who is Smudges brother & Millie is their Mum. Madeleine took Oliver to this session in the pool after being offered it at her puppy training classes & took them up on it when she noticed at the beach that Oliver seemed a little frightened of the water.
Another way to encourage a dog into water is to get in yourself or find someone with a dog that your dog enjoys the company of & that dog also loves water as normally when one goes in showing what fun it is the one not so sure most often soon follows. Nice to know that this sort of thing is out there if your dog is not to sure of water & hopefully it helps. Madeleine is going to let me know if it helps Oliver. Always fun to hear from Madeleine & to know what Oliver & Madleine have been up to. Oliver certainly does not lack having an interesting life & Madeleine has gained I know a very valued little friend in Oliver. Looking forward to the next Madeleine & Oliver adventure. Always a pleasure Madeleine. Vanessa sent me these cute photo's of Alfie a couple days ago. He is one of Dolly's Cavapoo pups. He has had his second vaccination around a week ago so it is save now for him to venture out & about now. Look out were Vanessa lifes Alfie will be hitting the streets no one will be safe now from his cutness & irrestible character. Vanessa will have to give twice as long to get anywhere on her walks now due to the attention that I know Alfie is going to get. Good Luck Vanessa ! Looking forward to seeing & hearing about Alfie getting out & about.
Click on photos below to see full size. Alison who has the gorgeous Maddie who's Mum is Millie & Dad is Charlie sent me these couple photo's of Maddie looking so much like her Mum. Millie has really stamped her litter of 6 Cavaliers she gave birth to back in May with not only her looks but also her well mannered & loving temperment. I am fast realising that I am lucky to have Millie Maddie's Mum as she is to me everything a Cavalier should be robust, athletic with a temperment that could warm the hardest of hearts, as it is always nice to see grown men fall for her charms & no one yet who comes to are house seems able to resist having a cuddle with her when they meet her.
Maddie seems to have inherited Millie's charm & she to when out is a magnet for attention & cuddles from complete strangers but that is the beauty of a good tempered Cavalier there is always plenty of love to go around. Look forward to hearing from you again & hopefully we will meet up for that family reunion with the dogs soon Alison. Click on photos below to see full size. Thanks Julie for your lovely comment on my blog & the photos you have already sent of Millie obviously making her self at home especially on your favourite cushion. Kezi looks like very interested in her new friend & I am sure they will become the best of mates. Will look forward to hearing from you again in the future.
This is Primrose the little girl of Ysabel's that we are keeping. She is very pretty just like her Mum & she is already great mates with Smudge who we kept back from are last Cavalier litter of Millie's.
Millie the last pup of Ysabel's to leave us as we are keeping back one of these pups for our selfs left for her new home with Julie today. Millie is a gentle very pretty little girl who will join Julie's young family & will also have a canine friend in their other Cavalier so will not want for play mates. Will look forward to hearing about how she gets on.
This is are last litter of Cavaliers for 2010 but we hope to have a litter in the spring out of Bonnie with are lovely boy Oscar these should be solid coloured & you can look on the "Future New Arrivals" page if you want to know more about future planned litters. Foxy one of Ysabel's girls left today with Tracey. Foxy is abit special as whilst in my our care she had to have a little operation to repair an inguinal hernia that she had. She had the surgery & was so brave & took everything in her stride at the tender age of 6 weeks old. She is a character we have added Fiesty to her name calling her Fiesty Foxy. We will miss her shooting around the front room but know in Tracey & her partner that she has gone to a good home were she is going to be so loved & will have two new feline friends who I am sure Fiesty Foxy will win over with her cute little ways. Look forward to hearing how they are all getting on in the future.
Madeleine has sent me an update & photo's of Oliver who is Smudges litter brother & who's Mum is Millie. All Millie's pups seem to be taking after Mum with a shallow stop & abit of length to the nose. The breed discription of this dog is to have a shallow stop but alas not so many as there should be actually have this as in recent years for what ever reason it seems the trend to breed the Cavalier with a deep stop & ever shorter muzzle or nose. I wonder whether some of the problems occuring in the skull & brain of this breed are linked to this fact as a deeper stop does give less room in the skull.Also the size of the Cavalier trying to breed them smaller & then losing the robust sporting look of this attractive little dog, as also it is known that breeding smaller that the brain is staying the same size but the skull gets smaller so I feel that a Cavalier with a shallow stop, abit of length to their nose & abit of size to their body gives them a chance of being a healthier dog. My theory is not very appreciated amongst some but hopefully the prove is in the pups we breed.
Oliver is proving to be everything Madeleine wanted in a Cavalier. She hopes he will become her running partner & being a sporting & athletic Cavalier type I think he will be keeping her fit chasing after him in the future. Always a pleasure to share photo's Madeleine especially with Mr Giraffe. Click on photo's below to see full size. Today the first of Ysabel's pups left for her new home. Poppy who is now going to be called Maisey has gone to join Linda who came to us for a pup after her sister-in-law had a pup from us earlier this year. Linda was so full of joy as she lost her last Cavalier 8 years ago so this was a big step getting another one after the heart break of the loss of her last Cavalier, as these little dogs are such beautiful dogs not only to look at but to live with. They give love & just absorb all the love you give them, they really enjoy human interaction.
I know that Maisey is going to be so loved & there are going to be some really excited Gran children who really want to meet Maisey. Got these photos of Smudge earlier who is 5 months old now & is so much like her Mum Millie it is frightening. She not only looks like her but also has a strange attraction to the bath when someone is in it just like her Mum does. The photos show her just sitting by the bath whilst I bath the children & a couple of times looked like she was going to jump in & join them, this behaviour is just like her Mum.Pherhaps they would like to be water retrieving dogs.lol
Click on photos to see full size. The time has come for Ysabels pups to fly the nest. Ysabels 4 girls had their first vaccinations today & were microchipped. They are 8 weeks old tomorrow & the first pup will leave for its new home tomorrow, so tryed to get their last photo all together which is easier said than done. Yet again the time has flown by but we are keeping one back from this litter called Primrose who is a real little cutey.
The photo below from the left at the back is Poundlane Daisy Buttercup, Poundlane Foxtail Lilly & Poundlane Pretty Primrose. In the front center is Poundlane Miss Millie. Very busy weekend what with one of my boys 9th birthday in the middle of the week & on Sunday we took him & friends to the cinema & then to the park & had a picnic, so was really pleased that the weather was lovely yesterday afternoon as it looked a little dodgy in the morning like it might rain so spent most of Sunday running around after children instead of dogs. Was nice to get home though & husband contained are children whilst the dogs & I had a quite stroll up the road.
Actually I am very lucky as all of are children love animals & the two oldest love to walk the dogs as they are strong enough now to control them. So at the weekends I have my little helpers or should I say little huggers because to a Cavalier having touch & contact with humans is what they seem to thrive on & when my children are around they get plenty of that. Ysabel's pups are now 8 weeks old this Thursday & will start to leave for their new homes we are keeping one of these back & she is Primrose. All four of these girls are very pretty little Cavaliers & Charlie yet again has marked them all very well but Ysabel must also be given credit as she is a very pretty dainty girl & Charlie with his stockyness will have put a bit more substance into the pups as with Cavaliers it is not nice to see them bred to petite & almost frail looking as they should be robust little sporting dogs. Got a few nice photos of the girls last night & now my captions are working again, so click on photos to see full size & also know which pup is which. The last one of Dolly's Cavapoo pups left Saturday morning for its new home with Fiona & husband. They already have another small dog so Harper will have a doggy company as well as human company. Harper is sure to have a happy & active life with Fiona & will give in return lots of love & playfulness.
Dolly had self weaned all her pups by now & has not been unduly worried by them slowly flying the nest. The Mums always seem to know it is time for their babys to go but you do wonder what they think. Only one Cavapoo pup of Dolly's left now, as Kym left on Thurday with Gill who already has Alfie a Cavapoo boy who is just over 1 years old & is from are first litter of Cavapoos. It is lovely when someone come back to you again after having a pup from you as it does make you hope that you are doing something right. Kym the pup Gill choose is a lovely little gentle girl who should make a good friend to Alfie & will look forward to photos of them together. The other pup who has gone this evening is the one & only Cyril who is now going to be called Patch. Carolyn & husband who have a young family are having Patch join their family & he is sure to give them lots of fun & lovely memories in the future as he is such a gorgeous fluffy chap. Will be looking forward to hearing what this little chap gets up to.
In the photo below is Patch doing what he does well sleeping. Another of Dolly's Cavapoo pups left us today. Alfie has gone to join Vanessa & her family. Alfie is a teddybear of pup, very confident but also gentle & loving. He is the biggest of Dolly's pups & also he has a big personality. Vanessa I am sure is going to have loads of fun & laughs with Alfie. They have had Cavaliers before so are experienced dogs owners & have gone for a Cavapoo due to them having a higher chance of not having the health problems that Cavaliers can have. Vanessa I know is going to give Alfie such a wonderful life & I am sure she will be rewarded with a artful & loving Alfie who will bring great joy into her family. Looking forward to updates on this rascal of a chap.
Foxy is going on fine after her surgery & to be honest you would not know that she has had surgery other than a little scar in her groin. She has taken every thing in her stride & it has not fazed her at all. The temperment of both parents she has obviously inherited as both of them are good tempered. Took the photos of Foxy today so you can see she is fighting fit.
Click on photos below to see full size. Foxy Ysabel's little girl had her surgery today to repair her Inguinal Hernia & my Mum dropped her at the surgery this morning at 8.30am & was told that they would ring me when it was all done & when she would be ready to be picked up. They thought it would roughly be around 2pm. Foxy is a fit & well pup other than her hernia, she is 6 weeks & 4 days old so my only worry was her age as the surgery was reasonably routine so the wait seemed a long one up to 1.40pm when the phone went & I was told all had gone well & that I could pick her up around 4pm.
Picked the children up from school & zoomed on out to the vets to see Foxy & pick her up. When they brought her out to me other than a dressing on her belly she looked like a fit & playful pup ready to go, she was not stressed at all & has taken it all in her stride. We kept her quiet for the first few hours home but she is now back with her sisters as the vet said that she did not really need to be restricted in her play but to just keep an eye on the incision & she will be checked up when she is microchipped & vaccinated. Modern anaesthetics are so good these days as years gone by it could take longer to get over the anaesthetic then the operation. Although I must stay vigilant over Foxy that she does not get her incision infected I hope that she is well on her way to being in Tracey's arms soon. Got this lovely photo of Foxy with her Mum only moments after being home & note the little bit of hair missing on her right front leg were she had her aneasthetic given into the vein. She is a little star. Today two of Dolly's pups have left for their new homes. The first one was Ruby with Susan. Susan has been looking for the past year for the right pup so I know that Ruby is going to be looked after very well as also Susan is a pet sitter in her own home, so she has a vast experience & knowledge of alot of breeds & decided the Cavapoo would be the right choice for her to have a pet of her own again. Ruby is going to have a very interesting life with friends of the canine type staying for their holidays in her home. Will be looking forward to updates on this little girl & to hear what she is getting upto with Susan who I am sure is going to give her such a caring & loving home. The other pup to leave today was Tinkerbell who was the smallest born of these pups weighing in just under 4 oz or around 100grams when born but although still the smallest she is no push over & is a proper little cutey. Darren & rachel bring her into their young family were she is sure to be loved & cherished as a member of their lovely family. This is Darren & Rachels first family dog so it will be a steep learning curve to start with but they are more than up for the challenge & pups are like a child what you put in you will get back maybe not straight away but it will happen & before you know it you have a lovely dog & all the hard work will of been worth it. Will enjoy seeing the up dates on Tinkerbell & all of Darren & Rachels childrens interactions with her.
Busy weekend & Dolly's pups have started to leave for their new homes. Yesterday Lola was the first to leave us with Alison & will be joinong a family that also has another dog who is a Cavalier girl & unfortunately her sister died a little while ago so Lola is going to be welcome company for Lilac & lots of fun for the rest of the family. Lola is sure to bring lots of fun to this family & in return Alison & family are going to give her a loving home to grow in. Look forward to hearing from you in the future & photos of Lola growing up.
This is Scrumpy & I got an update on him a couple days ago from Jean who had him & he is about 7 months old now & Jean says he is doing well & a real joy. Mischievous but Loveable. He certainly looks a cheeky chap in the photo & Dad Charlie & his Mum Lucinda have certainly passed on their genes to him as both are mischievous but loveable. Thanks for the update Jean & look forward to future photos.
Cyril has found his forever home. Caroline, husband & family visited us today & want to have Cyril & they will pick him up next Saturday so my children have 7 days left of cuddling him, he is such a lovely character & is one that we are all going to miss but I know that he will be going to a lovely home were he is going to bring a lot of fun & laughs at his little ways.
“The greatest pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him, and not only will he not scold you,but he will make a fool of himself, too.”
― Samuel Butler Me (Jane) with Puddin' and Teagol, waiting patiently to flush a patch of kale, December 2019
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