Yesterday I decided that it was time that the soft toys Smudge's pups have been playing with all needed to take a visit to the washing machine. They had all got a bit fragrant and with the weather being scolding hot yesterday it did not take long to dry them on the patio table. The vet is booked to visit us on Friday to do the eight remaining of Smudge's pups with us, second Distemper, Hepatitis and Parvo (DHP) vaccination and then Saturday will see Freckle Nose who is now called Bertie (Having a Bertie already on the litter, I will be calling him Bertie 2) and Beasley leave to join their new families. This coming Monday Bertie 1 aka Mushroom will meet his family for the first time and Bertie will be staying with us until he is twelve weeks old, receiving his second Lepto4 vaccination before leaving us. The slideshow is Smudge's pups yesterday, as I hoped to blog this last night, but then got way laid. These pups are a very handsome and chilled out bunch, taking after their mother and father, Smudge and Henry. Really pleased with what this cross between the Cavalier and Brittany has produced. The video was taken yesterday evening, with the pups bar one, all fast asleep as the day cooled off. Lovely little moment I catch of Bertie 1 and our oldest child Bert. I can't deny that Bertie 1 has managed to burrow a bit further into my heart than I should allow a puppy, I know that I shall not keep, if only he was a girl. I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most; 'Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all. From Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem In Memoriam:27, 1850:
Primrose's Cavalier pups are today three weeks old. Eyes and ears are now open, although it will be another week or so before their eyes can focus fully, so at this time the world is a bit of a blurry place for them. Primrose is easily taking care of these three and they are getting proper little plump bundles. The pups now at three weeks old are getting mobile, as you can see in the video below. Bella shows us her wobbly walking skills and unfortunately the battery then went on my camera. As promised a few blogs ago, a video finally of Primrose with her three little charges now 19 days old. Being only three, when it comes to suckle time, they are rather spoiled for choice.
The video was taken this morning when I arrived home from milking. Smudge's eight pups were running around the home because they were not so keen on running outside in the heavy rain we were having at the time, which has now turned into more of a mist now. As you will hear, it can be a bit of a noisy affair, breakfast time in our home. The tri coloured girl we are keeping and she is being called Rose and Hayley's family who are having the Blenheim girl, have named her Bella. Bella is the one who looks up at the camera after I touch her. The Blenheim boy in this litter is available and if interested, please contact me first by email at [email protected] This video was taken this evening before the earlier video I blogged and shows the pups just after I had let them out of the patio for a run around. Their routine in the morning is to run around from around 9am to 11am and with it being hot, they then happily siesta for anything up to 3 to 4 hours. As the day cools off and dusk approaches they then gear up for another high energy play time. Yesterday and today we had visits from the families that are having Tinkerbell and Freckle Nose. We have just got Tracey left to meet on the 6th July, who are having Bertie. Hopefully that is all Smudge's pups sorted for homes to go to. This evening on returning home from milking and after supper, I got this funny bit of video footage of Tinkerbell and Blottie chasing and being chased by a toy remote car. This video is also from this morning and shows Smudge with her pups, along with their Dad Henry and Henry's sort of mother-in law and Granny to the pups Millie. The "bird farting in the hedge" comments I make are because once my husband asked me what the dogs were barking at and I replied, "I think a bird farted in the hedge," as I could not make out that there was any thing to bark at. So the children now if asked, if they can see why the dogs have barked, they now reply, "I think a bird farted in the hedge, Mum." I'm going to try to be quick, as I've got three blogs tonight. I'm feeling pretty tired. It has been very hot today and I've been on my feet for the best part of it. I loaded the videos up earlier and I'm back now to finish up the job. Smudge's pups will be nine weeks old tomorrow. I've got a family visiting us on Saturday to take a look at Freckle Nose, so fingers crossed, that all the pups, bar the two girls we are keeping, will all have homes they are going to after the weekend. Beasley took his first trip in the car yesterday and did get a little sick, but my fault, as he had just eaten before I took him with me to pick the children up from school. Other than the bit of sick he seemed unfazed by it all. The video is the pups this morning, having their run around the property before it got to hot. Just got this video of Smudge and Henry's Cavalier/Brittany pups, running around our property beyond the patio gate. My camera is playing up at the moment, it keeps switching itself off when I'm trying to film. I did though manage to get some footage of the eight hooligans, just before the post man arrived. Smudge and Henry's pups (Cavalier cross Brittany) are now eight weeks and four days old. One of the pups Harry left us on Saturday leaving us with eight pups. Two we are keeping and hopefully all the rest have homes bar one, being Freckle Nose. Beasley is the next to leave us at ten weeks old, so he now starts going with me on the school run in the afternoon. I meant to start his little trips on Monday, but was way laid and today I was milking and husband David did the school run, so his trips in the car start tomorrow. We will also start getting all the pups out for car drives over the next few weeks. The first slideshow is a nice sequence of photos I got of Tinkerbell and Daisy lying together in their bed. The last slideshow are photos of all the pups and taken today. They are a really handsome litter of pups and photographing them is a real joy. If interested in the pup still available contact me first by email at [email protected] Primrose's Cavalier pups are now two weeks old and are doing very well. They all have their eyes open or partly open already. Today they started their first worming course. We worm our pups every two weeks from their birth with Panacur Paste. At this age the paste is administered for three consecutive days. Keeping control of internal and external parasites with puppies is very important to their well being. With Primrose and Toby's litter we have the one Blenheim boy available. He is the slightly less heavily marked of the two Blenheims and also looks slightly lighter at this age in colour. If interested in this boy email me first at [email protected] Just got this photo of three of the Poundlane pack enjoying the evening sun. The three dogs are from the left clockwise Henry (Brittany Spaniel), Jessica (Cavalier) and then Millie (Cavalier). Henry is the father of Smudge's litter. Millie is the mother of Smudge, so the Grandmother of Smudge's pups and Jessica's has one Grandfather the same as Smudge, which was the father of Millie. When you look at this photo, you can see that the crossing of the Brittany with the Cavalier does not look so out there. From Henry and Smudge's litter we have kept back two girls and these now are the next generation at Poundlane. Bumble is one of the girls we are keeping back. I was not sure of her at first and thought she had a slightly sulky look to her, but she has become a very pretty, gentle natured girl and in the litter probably has the most Cavalier looking face. I think if anyone looked at these photos without knowing anything about her, they would think she was a pure Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. The other girl we are keeping is Blottie. She was always going to be kept I think, just because she has a Smudge of brown on her lip, so keeping with her mother Smudge's smudge of brown on her lip. She is a bit more handsome about the face than pretty, a bit more towards the Brittany. She also is a lovely gentle friendly girl like Bumble. Both these girls are strong healthy pups and it is with great interest I will watch them grow in to adult dogs and hope that they will produce the next Poundlane generation on from them . The slideshow is Smudge's pups today now eight weeks and three days old. Look out for the two Alfies. After Harry left on Saturday, there are now eight of Smudge's pups left. We still have one boy Freckle Nose available, if interested email me at [email protected]
We had a bit of a tragedy weekend. Our chickens are all gone. Friday night into Saturday morning the dogs were restless, sometimes the feral cats we have across the road to us kick off (Cats are funny things, you hear them shrieking and they might be fighting or they might be loving up. I know some human couples like that. Lol) in the wee hours and can set the dogs off, so I just went out told them to be quiet and then had to let the pups out for ablutions, because they also had been disturbed. This happened twice and then I was up to milk Saturday morning at 5 am, home 8.30 am to at 9 am hand over Harry to the Morgan family. Luckily I have a very helpful husband and as I returned from milking at 8.30 am and turned in through the gate I could hear the dulcet tone of the vacuum cleaner. Once Harry was on his way, I went and run the dogs out and went to check the chickens water and food, and if any eggs to pick up. The chicken run out in about a quarter of an acre of paddock and we made a hole on the back of one of our stables just enough for a chicken to pass through, so the chicken also have a twelve by twelve foot stable with laying boxes, and perches for them to roost at night. We keep the feeder and water in the stable and on checking the food and water, and if any eggs, I thought it a little strange that no chicken were in the stable, as they normally come in when I'm there to check if I might have some tasty scraps for them, but it was nice weather and I was in a bit of a hurry, so did not make to much of it and noted to do a head count when I checked for eggs later, as I had promised to go to town with our daughter Molly. Going to town with Molly was her birthday treat, I could not do it last weekend just after her birthday due to work and had promised that this weekend we would go together to town for a couple hours and have lunch out. When you have six children, getting these moments alone with a parent are very precious to a child, I know because I was once in Molly's shoes being the last of six children myself. So I got ready for town with strict instructions from Molly, that I could not wear my dealer boots and I was to wear earrings and a necklace. Also I was to brush my hair, I protested at this request and told Molly how Mr Pillow had taken all night to create what she saw before her. The photo is Molly and me just before setting off to town. Our little Tilly took it, who is six years old and I'm sort of crouching, as I was pretty sure by the angle of the camera Tilly was cutting my head off, but she managed to get it in. My oldest son thinks I look tired in the photo and the truth is I was, after a broken nights sleep and an early start. I got back from town around 3 pm changed and checked the chickens. First I went to the stable, no eggs, strange. no chicken, even stranger. So I walked around the stables into the paddock to find the chicken and all I found were several patches of feathers, not a chicken or piece of chicken any where. Old Foxy Loxy had paid us a visit it seems over night and that explained the dogs being unsettled. That old fox had taken all seven of our hens, even old Rosie and although I can cuss the fox up and down the true culprit to this tragedy is myself. I had turned the electric fencing off the day before and forgot to turn it back on again. The hens did not stand a chance with nearly all being inlay. When a chicken is inlay, you get pressure to their back or just catch hold of their tail feathers, so strong is their need to procreate that they automatically sit down still, ready to mate, even if you are obviously about to harm them. That is why they are such an easy picking for a fox. You can't blame old Foxy Loxy he/she is a predator, an opportunist of the highest order and I gave her/him the opportunity. At this time of year this act of chicken genocide was probably carried out by a vixen with cubs, hence the reason there has been no waste. The only thing that annoys me about Foxy Loxy is she had to take the bloody lot. A hard way to learn a lesson. I'm now going to need to find myself some new chicken. The photo below is my husband's requested dessert for his Fathers Day lunch, treacle pudding. A few days ago I got a lovely update with photos for Darcy without an e, who is from Dolly's last litter and she is Treacle's litter sister. Unfortunately, although I can see the photos on me email, only one at this moment I have been able to download on to my computer. Thanks Julia for letting me know how Darcy is getting on and she sounds a real character, much like the rest of her siblings. "Hi Jane, The Blunden family have just celebrated Darcy's second birthday and wanted to send our love and kisses to Treacle too! We hope she had a lovely day! Just a little update on on Darcy; She's a little devil as always causing havoc wherever she goes! She's loved by all, always causing a stir when we go for our walkies! She especially loves her runs on the beach but still not quite brave enough for a swim in the sea! She's still not grown out of her puppy habits, still sneakily stealing flip flops and especially lipsticks-don't ask! She's a real asset to our family, always loved and always happy. Cannot wait to spend many more years with her! Attached a few photos to show you how big and beautiful she is now! Best wishes, Julia, Steve, Emma, Megan and Darcy. Xxx" Next is a lovely photo sue sent me of her husband Jim with Lucy on holiday in North Wales. We will have Lucy aka Lucinda staying with us for nearly a month at the end of this year, while Sue and Jim visit their daughter and her family in Australia. Thanks Sue for the photo. "Lucy enjoying herself in north wales
Loving seeing all footage of pups so pleased they all doing so well trust family and you and David are well best wishes Sue" Lastly for today is a video of Smudge taken today, after the first pup Harry left us yesterday, now with only eight pups, having a bit of a suckle at just over eight weeks old. We don't restrict our bitches ever from their pups and it seems to work for the mother and the pups. A couple days ago I suddenly realised my blog had passed a little milestone. Five years ago I started this website and started my love hate relationship with my blog. Anyone who blogs for any length of time knows that you sometimes love to blog, but sometimes something you love doing can easily become something you also hate doing. Read any blog and you will see entries that are obviously written when passion is running high and the writer is in full flow and then you will read entries where you can feel the writer is writing more out of sense of duty than inspiration. My first blog entry was on the 18th June 2010. This blog included information about our first litter to feature on the blog and that litter included Smudge, who's third and last litter features on the blog as we finished our fifth year of blogging and entered into the beginning of the sixth year of this blog. Smudge has grown up on this blog, so I thought it fitting to dig out a photo of her with her six litter siblings together, just days before they started to leave for their new homes. When I started this blog, I must admit I just saw it has a vehicle to sell our pups, print was dying and I could see this was the way forward. Little did I see that it would become a way to share the intimate moments of rearing puppies, to give more understanding to how important the first months of a pup's life is in their development, hopefully remove some of the myth surrounding breeding dogs and lastly hopefully I have made some people think more about the way dogs look and how the way a dog looks for human fashion can and is all to often detrimental to their health and well being. The last photo on the blog tonight is one I put on the blog a couple days ago and was actually taken on the same day as the 5th anniversary of this blog and is Smudge five years later with her two daughters Blottie and Bumble, the Poundlane next generation. We are going to have some fun watching these two grow up on the blog. Funnily enough I have manage to acquire a glass of wine whilst typing this, so I'm going to raise my glass now to hopefully another five years of blogging and lets hope mostly written with a splash of passion and inspiration, rather than just a sense of duty.
Yesterday we noticed that one of Primrose's Cavalier pups had their eyes starting to open at eleven days old. Pups open their eyes around two weeks old, but some open a little earlier. Primrose's pups in her two other litters also started to open their eyes around eleven days old and Primrose's Mum Ysobel, her litters used to have their eyes starting to open around eleven days old. Smudge on the other hand, her litters don't start having their eyes open until a good fourteen days old and it was the same with her Mum Millie's litters. Today the first pup left from Smudge and Henry's litter and tomorrow is Fathers Day. Yesterday I managed to get a very cute group of photos of Harry before leaving us today, with his Dad Henry, which ties in nicely for Fathers Day. I have come to the conclusion over the last few weeks watching Henry with his pups, that there is some sort of bond, he certainly has shown a protective streak towards them and also shown a tolerance to them. The biggest tolerance is with food. Henry loves his food and does not like other dogs trying to eat with him, as many dogs do. He has no problem with me near him when eating and will leave even the tastiest treat on command. The only dogs he will tolerate stealing from his bowl whilst eating are a couple of the bitches, one being Smudge. Dolly who is half his size he will totally be submissive to when eating, which is very funny to watch and he also will allow his pups to jump all over him when eating, showing no aggression, even if they tug on his tail while eating, which makes me consider that he has some paternal feeling towards them. Nicola and Calvin arrived this morning at 9 am with their youngest son Elliot to pick up Harry. Whilst I was running Nicola and Calvin through everything doing what I call the puppy hand over process, their son Elliot settled down with our children to watch a bit of telly whilst waiting. Elliot had some company. Harry fell asleep on his lap and Elliot's Dad caught the moment and sent me the photo when they had got home to Berkshire, along with an email letting me know that they had all got home safely and a couple photos of him in his new home. "Hi Jane, Just to let you know we had a completely uneventful trip home and Harry was brilliant in the car apart from a little bit of sick right at the end; not bad for 3 hours. We stopped a couple of times because we didn't know if he needed to go to the toilet or not (he didn't!) There was a little bit of whimpering when we first left which almost started Nic off but he settled down very quickly. It didn't take him long before he was fully exploring our garden and playing with his new toys and chews. Elliot had great fun playing with him and now we're just looking forward to Henry getting home to meet him again. He is now crashed out in his new bed which he seems quite happy in. Anyway, thanks again for all the great advice and the starter kit. We're absolutely sure he's been given the very best start to his life and we hope we can continue it. I have attached a couple of photos for you. Cheers, Calvin & Nic" Thanks Nicola and Calvin for letting me know you got home safely and I think Harry is going to have a lovely home with you and your two sons.
All that's left to say on this blog is, "All you fathers out there. Have a lovely Fathers Day !" Primrose's Cavalier pups are now already 10 days old. They are all looking good and getting plump. Their noses are pigmenting and their eyes are looking more defined, getting ready to start to open. Primrose is doing them easily, after having six last time, this must be like a walk in the park for her. I start this blog with a very sweet photo I caught today of Henry with one of his boys, Alfie. Henry I think has some connection with these pups, I get a feeling he does comprehend they are his offspring. Smudge and Henry's pups today at eight weeks old had their vet check, first vaccinations and are now all micro chipped. All went well, all the boys have both testicles descended already and all have got a nice scissor bit, which is a lot healthier for a dog dentally. Often with pure Cavaliers and even when crossing them with Poodles you get an undershot jaw, at this age. Sometimes if not extreme it corrects when the second teeth come through, as the lower jaw grows faster than the upper jaw to start with. If it does not correct with second teeth arriving, if not extreme it should not be to much of a problem, but if extreme, as we see in breeds such as Bulldogs and all the very undershot short nosed breeds, it will cause more dental issues for the dog and make eating and drinking harder for them. One of the biggest problems with shortening a dogs jaw is that breeders are able to breed the jaw shorter and shorter, we can see that, but they yet so far have been unable to breed the dog with less teeth, so all those 42 teeth get pushed up together and this causes them a lot of pain, imagine crushing your foot into shoes to small for your feet, all day every day, not even taking them off at night and you might get an idea of what is going on is a short nosed dogs face, let alone fitting in all the soft tissue, which also has to find room and to often obstructs the dogs airways. Little bit of a whimper from each of them when having the microchip, as this is a big needle with the microchip being the size of a piece of rice, but soon forgotten with a cuddle. Harry leaves us tomorrow, his family coming from Berkshire picking him up at 9am to get back in good time to start to settle him in before night time. Mushroom has been chosen now and is now called Bertie. He will be staying with us until just over twelve weeks old. Our oldest son is called Bert, so look out for the two Bert's together photo below. Tinkerbell I have someone interested in, so at this moment we are looking to find a home for Freckle Nose, who is a very lovely boy with a freckled nose. If interested in this last boy drop us an email at [email protected] Smudge and Henry's pups are eight weeks old tomorrow and the vet is booked to come to our home to microchip and start their primary vaccination course. I certainly was not going to drag nine pups in to the vets, I would rather pay a bit extra to get it done at home in a calm enviroment where there is less chance of making any mistakes with the paper work, don't want the wrong microchip details with a pup. Each pup has a file now and as the vet examines each pup and microchip's and vaccinate's them, the nurse fills in the microchip registration details and vaccination card, it then goes straight in to that pups file. I got this little bit of footage of Henry with his pups this morning. The rascal was nicking their food. He then went on to play with them, but unfortunately my camera decided to stop filming. My camera has decided to start doing weird things lately and is looking a bit battered, with the catch to the battery and memory card not working, I have employed an elastic band to keep it shut now. It is my birthday in July, so I am making lots of comments about thinking it is time I got a new camera. I suspect I will buy a new camera, give it to my husband, who will then tell the children, he has got a new camera for Mum and the children will wrap it up and give it to me, to my utter surprise. I figured out long ago I enjoy giving, not really overly worried about receiving, but if you have to receive, it is good to know you are going to receive exactly what you want. Lol Primrose's three Cavalier pups reached one week old yesterday and today at eight days old they are going on really well. With only three pups I suspect these three will be proper little plump pups. When you have two litters at the same time like we have at the moment and they are nearly seven weeks apart, you can really see the growth pups make in the first couple months of life. This photo clearly shows the growth pups make in the first couple months of their life. The photo shows Tinkerbell, who was the smallest born on Smudge's litter, now seven weeks and five days old with little Rose lying beside her, from Primrose's litter at eight days old. These two girls would of been born around the same size. Last night I managed to catch this photo of Harry with his Dad Henry. Harry is the first to leave of these litter. He leaves us on Saturday morning. Today he had his first trip in a car. He came with me on the afternoon school run and even although I hoped to time my arrival at the school gates, that most parents would of already picked up their children. When I got there, there still were a lot of children and Harry caused a bit of a stir. He was totally unfazed by all the attention and because the playground is a no go dog area, so unlikely to be a health risk to him, with an okay from the teachers, I let our children put him down and he happily lead or I should say, followed my children around the playground on a lead. Where is a camera when you need one, it looked so cute, Harry following our two youngest children and around twenty children following Harry around, who seemed totally unconcerned by the interest in him. Finally I got all children and Harry in the car and we drove off to pick up the oldest three children from secondary school, around a 16 mile round trip. Harry took it all in his stride and showed no signs of car sickness. He was a very good pup, for his first time in a car. All of Harry's siblings are doing really well as they approach eight weeks old this Friday. We still have a couple of these pups available. If interested email me at [email protected] Henry our Brittany spaniel is the father of Smudge's litter. Yesterday I was on the computer and he was sat below me with his head perched on the bottom of the chair. Our oldest child Bert saw an opportunity for a photo. The first was good, but then Henry heard a noise and the second photo really shows off Henry's handsome side profile. He really is as lovely as he looks. The next photo is another by Bert and is me nursing Mushroom, who likes a bit of nursing. I should leave him be, because I can't keep another boy but he is like a Mushroom magnet of mushy love. He really is such a lovely cuddly pup. Totally lets go of himself when you nurse him. Now you know what I waste my time doing. Mushroom amazingly is still available from the litter. As you might guess from the photo I really enjoyed nursing our children. Before I had babies I really thought I would have no maternal instinct as I was considered a tom boy, but someone I worked for on telling them about worrying about maternal instinct when pregnant told me, "Don't worry. You just have to watch you with animals to see that you are going to be okay." The video below was taken by my husband and captures the moment when the pups are resting, after our youngest children had been playing with them and then captures them playing tug of war with a chew toy Joan gave us for them, who is having Alfie from the litter. Three photos taken this morning of Tilly in with the pups and Alfie about to clean her face. Who needs flannels when you have pups. Primrose and her three Cavalier pups are doing well and are now 6 days old. End this blog on a couple photos I just got of Smudge and Henry's pups. Alfie and Freckle Nose. Freckle Nose is a lovely gentle boy and is still available from the litter. Dotty and our Treacle who I blogged earlier about, we have just had updates for two of their litter siblings today on their 2nd Birthday. The first is from Karen who has Darcey with an e. Thanks Karen, great to hear that she has been such a help to you all. 'Hi all, Here is Darcey on her 2nd birthday! Our cheeky monkey continues to be the scourge of the rabbits and squirrels in our woods and friend to many canine and human friends. She is still a star of the school run as childre n have to walk through the woods to get to our local school, I'm not sure how many late slips we are responsible for! She is providing Carys with much needed amusement breaks during the endless exam period, and has helped me go from strength to strength mentally. Hope all is well with you and your HUGE pack, we follow the arrivals with keen interest. Thanks once again for my gorgeous partner in crime! Xxxxx' Next is an update for Molly, who lives in Jersey. Last time I saw her in person, she was flying off to Jersey in a two seater plane sat on Andy's lap. Sounds like you have had a lovely 2nd Birthday with Molly and thanks for updating me on her.
'Hi Jane Hope you and yours are all well. We've been following the Poundlane website and adore all the new puppies. All good here Molly has had a lovely 2nd birthday with new toys and a new bone which she has entertained us with her quest to find a hiding place for! Had a terrific walk on the beach this morning and then another through the fields and park this evening. Where did the expression its a dogs life come from? Seems idyllic to us! Take care Best regards The Cutlands' Earlier this week I received a lovely email from Caroline who has Dotty. Dotty is from Dolly's last ever litter born two years ago today and one of the eight pups in that litter. Dolly is not an over big Cavalier and she amazed us by producing eight pups yet again with her last litter. Giving birth naturally and rearing them all with her lovely relaxed manner. Dolly is now eight years old and in full health, not even a heart murmur, she can even still jump in and out over the patio wall. We kept Treacle back from her last litter and Reggie is the Father. Having Treacle who is just such a lovely laid back and very playful dog, especially with her mate Henry, who she is merciless with, my only regret is, why did I not keep more pups back from Dolly ? Dotty it seems has the right Dolly to Reggie ratio and has helped Caroline's two dog phobic children overcome their fear of dogs. 'Dear Jane Hoping Molly had a lovely birthday despite any sadness-the cake you made her was so brilliant!!! Despite many requests from the girls, we aren't quite ready to have another pup but the hudge puppies look absolutely gorgeous and I'm reconsidering. However, Louisa (our youngest) has many allergies and being spaniel x spaniel we were concerned she might be allergic (resulting in breathing difficulties/hayfever symptoms and hives)-she has to wash her skin after touching Dotty or else she gets hives but she has been incredibly allergic to a friend's pure cavalier :-( But Dots has made such an amazing impact on our lives -we just adore her and def thinking of having another! Think we might need to wait for the gorgeous Treacle to have pups (maybe) next year! Got everything crossed for primrose's pups and hope the little hudges get fantastic new families to go to! Of course, Dotty turns 2 this weekend! Happy birthday to all her siblings! Dotty -or Dottylicious/Dots/Dotbag as she's sometimes known-really is one of the friendliest, most chilled dogs you could meet. She loves being with other dogs and people and enjoys long country park walks (and cheeky swims) with her doggy friends. She is a 'best friend' to both of our daughters who confide in her and adore her. She's also a great reason that I have to get up and out each day! We all feel incredibly lucky to have her in our lives :-) Photos attached are: Loving a country walk (but needs a long line on if not in a pack) Previously phobic children who completely trust their wonderful DottyDog Exhausted! With my 93yr old Grandma-a regular visitor to her care home and much loved by staff and residents My daughter and Dotty having a doze together Dotty chillaxing! Best wishes to you all Caroline xxx' Thanks Caroline for the update on Dotty and also for reminding me about their 2nd Birthday. Hope you have a lovely day today on her 2nd Birthday and that also goes for the families of her litter siblings Molly, Pippa, Dex, Darcey with an e, Darcy without an e and Sasha. I hope you are all well and have a lovely day. Below are a few photos of Treacle and also our attempt at trying to get Mum Dolly, Dad Reggie and daughter Treacle together in a photo. |
“The greatest pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him, and not only will he not scold you,but he will make a fool of himself, too.”
― Samuel Butler Me (Jane) with Puddin' and Teagol, waiting patiently to flush a patch of kale, December 2019
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