Sorry Margaret for not doing this sooner, as you will see by the email date I was sent this news a little while ago. Bob is Margarets old Cavalier boy who I had the pleasure of meeting twice and from photo's Margaret has kindly shown me over the time I have known her Bob certainly had a very good life.
We have been in contact since the email below and Bella is going on okay after losing her canine family member and just seems to be wearing Margaret's arm out with her obsession with retrieving. You know what you're going to have to get Margaret, one of those tennis ball machines that expel tennis balls at a rapid rate. Thanks Margaret for keeping intouch and letting me know how Bella is getting on, she certainly is a Bella donna ! Sent: Wednesday, 4 July 2012, 11:09 Subject: Bob 13.6.2000 - 3.7.2012 Dear Jane Just thought I would let you know Bob is no longer with us. Bella is somewhat lost but has all my attention. I am expecting separation anxiety and I will put a plan into operation when I decide to leave her on her own. At the moment I need her 24/7.They both recently spent a lovely holiday in West Wales again, Bella learning how to be a Welsh Collie. They make wonderful playmates with a ball. Bella is BALL mad.Attached one of her latest portraits. Loved Poppy's picture, how alike they look. Where has that 8 months gone. Regards Margaret Belle looking amazed by what her siblings get up to !
I'm not into dressing pets up but last evening I was in the kitchen getting tea and the children where messing about with some fuzzy felt eyes with glasses, putting them on each other taking funny photo's and I just put them on Belle's nose and she did not bat an eyelid , so I got a funny photo of Belle wearing them. Truly amazing ! Lol Lisa sent me this a couple weeks ago showing Ruby enjoyin the surf. Ruby is from Millie's litter and was born the 19th March 2012. Thanks for the lovely photo Lisa and will get the others on here you have sent me at sometime. Hi Jane, Thought you might like to see how Ruby has progressed from skateboards at your house to surfboards with us! Hope you are enjoying the 'Summer' holidays with all the family. Love from Lisa and family x Update from Glenda who has Bayley from Millie's litter born on the 19th March 2012. Reggie is his Dad. You can see his Mum in him especially his eyes. Thanks for the update Glenda and Bayley is a beautiful looking boy. Enclosing a couple of pictures of Bayley after he had his first trim. He is so beautiful and such a good boy. We have just started clicker training, he is so cleaver. Hope you and the family are enjoying the Summer, we went down to Broadstairs in Kent for the long week-end, the weather was really good. Bayley was such a good boy everybody remarked on how good he was for baby. Unfortunately, my nephew now has said he would like a black cavapoo. I have told him to go on one of you lists. They want to wait until their old dog passes away as it would not be fair to have a puppy with William he is eleven. I still keep up with your blog, love to all the family. Kind regards Glenda Primrose has been confirmed in pups to day. Her scan showed she is carrying around 5 pups. Really good scan with pups visibly wriggling and heart beats could be seen, so this would lead me to believe she has concieved from an earlier rather than later mating with Reggie. As usual seeing a scan I never lose that fascination and amazment how life grows inside us mammals. I do make my vet laugh, as each scan I am like a child seeing its first rainbow. Her due date is the 1st October but pups could come safely 5 days either side of this date. This is Primrose's first litter and Ysobel is her mum. Primrose has been very motherly each time we have had a litter of pups in the home and with her mum being an excellant mum I am sure Primrose will take her first litter in her stride. Belle who is Primrose's half sister (sharing the same mum), has had her first all over trim as she had her first heat and to keep her clean during this time we trimmed her all over and although was not sure about trimming of her lovely blonde rug, it suits her . Archie who was from Smudge's litter and came to stay with us for a couple weeks while the Lunn family went on holiday returned home and I have been told has settled back into the fold, which is a testament to the temperment of Mum and Dad. We had a little scare a couple weeks ago with Ysobel. I had removed a tick from her and around 24 hours after noticed she was limping and seemed very quiet. I took her temperature which was up and on examining her shoulder the joint was swollen and so where her glands either side of her jaw. This with a removed tick pointed towards Lyme disease and although out of hours rather than wait to the morning I rang the vet and I took her in. Some anti flammatory and anti biotics and 24 hours later Ysobel was back to herself but one of the side effects is she has had a massive moult which can happen when a bacterial infection goes through the body. The vet said "It all points towards Lyme disease" and it was treated as so. Lyme disease is reasonable rare in the UK but it has seen to rise in recent years and to try to prevent it during the tick season, which are the warm months of the year use a good pour on tick treatment and check your dog around every 18 hours as removing a tick within 18 hours of it attaching lowers the chance of tranferring of the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi that causes Lyme disease. It is the slow feeding little hard shelled Deer ticks that carry Lyme disease. Ysobel is well now and the only thing it has left her with is a dull patchy coat . The children will be back at school the middle of next week and hopefully that will give me a chance to catch up on all emails and updates. A few photos below of Belle with her new haircut, Primrose the expectant mum and brother and sister Toby and Jessica cuddled up. Hello everyone,
just want to let you know all is well at Poundlane and have been offline for a couple weeks as very busy with home life and I suppose needed a little break. Primrose is being scanned at 3pm today and fingers crossed but I 'm pretty sure she is in pups. She is always a very cuddly girl but she has turned into a proper cuddle Bunny in the last week. She is looking really well, you could say "She is blossoming." Any way I must get off with the children for their mass shearing (haircuts) before going back to school next week . Will be back later with news of scan. I thought Tracey you might like seeing these of Sue's Bailey . Bailey is Roxy's brother and Roxy was featured in my blog yesterday. Thanks Sue for the cute photos of Bailey. I think you can see the family likeness. Just going to check off the computer and turned to my left to see Toby fast asleep like this. Thats the arm of a sofa which is near the computer and his head is resting beside my computer keyboard and as I type this he is still slumbering in that position. Had to share it. I think he's a little to big to be my mouse.They do make you laugh ! Reggie and Primrose visited the vet in Tavistock this morning and as hopefully expected both pass another year with clear eye tests. Was very interesting talking to Christopher Warren who does my eye testing for my dogs as he has a friend who is a leading vet working on stem cells being used to repair degenerated retinas in dogs. This vet works in Ohio, USA and they are having amazing results. He said that dogs that where blind twelve months after treatment have regained sight. I know people have reservations over stem cell use but stem cells can now be harvested from bone marrow. This is amazing news not only for dogs but many species including humans. After visiting the vets Reggie and Primrose got to have a run over Dartmoor with the children. It was a bit damp but all had fun and we put the seats down in the MPV to have our picnic in the back out of the occasional showers. We were away from home around 4 hours and had left our guest Archie in the kitchen with Toby and Jessica (Jessica is now of heat). Archie had not had any accidents whilst we where out and seems to be clean all the time. We will miss him when he leaves next weekend as he certainly is a little character. We have Belle and Lucy on heat at the moment, so having to be very careful who's with who and would expect Dolly, Ysobel and Smudge to be on heat in the next month and with none of these dogs being mated this time it takes a bit of strategic planning making sure there's no clandestine meetings with Reggie or Toby, as Toby has turned into a very handsome young man and at 10 months old certainly is showing a keen interest in the girls already but he will have to wait a while yet. Tonight I have put on some lovely photos from Tracey of her Roxy who Lucy is the Mum and my sister's Poodle Rollo is the Dad. Roxy will be two the beginning of November which does not seem far away. Where did those two years go Tracey ?Thanks for yet more lovely photos Tracey especially the portrait ones done by the person at the pet store and as we already discussed, "you can really see her Mum in her in those photo's." I also love the wet and wind swept photo of her in the Peak District when you where on holiday. Lastly this evening some random photos of the pack and as you will see Archie has settled into the fold discovering the dishwasher. We had leg of lamb yesterday and stripped the leg to have lamb stew tonight, so the dishwasher had a certain allure for the dogs as we loaded it up. Probably did not need to put it on a wash cycle. Lol. Lamb stir fry tomorrow night ! |
“The greatest pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him, and not only will he not scold you,but he will make a fool of himself, too.”
― Samuel Butler Me (Jane) with Puddin' and Teagol, waiting patiently to flush a patch of kale, December 2019
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