Tonight I'm going to start with some updates which where sent to me in June and I've just got round to loading them up. We will start with Milo. Milo![]() Milo is from Lucy's litter born the end of 2011. He is from Lucy's last litter and his Dad is Reggie. Thanks Nicola for letting me know all is well and what is the trick ? Hi Jane, Mojo has settled in really well! He loves his walks in richmond park and is a keen swimmer, he enjoys playing in the sea but not surfing or kayaking quite so much! Mojo has lots of neighborhood friends and won the st margrates dog show for the best trick! He likes to be center of attention and is sometimes quite a greedy puppy! We love him to bits, and sorry for this update being much overdue. (A photograph has been included of his most recent haircut.)Kind regards, Nicola and Millie. LucyNow for an update on Milo's Mum Lucy who went to live with Judith and Tony at the beginning of this year and in June Lucy turned six years old and thank you Judith for taking photos and letting me see she is settling into her lovely new home. Hi Jane Just sending an up date on Lucy. She has settled in well and of course is thoroughly spoilt! She now likes to play with us and loves her toys but I need to get out the sewing box quite regularly - heads hanging off etc She is really keeping us fit as she loves to go out and about and have runs in the fields. She was 6 yrs. old on Thursday and we are sending a few photos. It was a problem getting her to jump up at the table as she is very good at meal times - you must have trained her well although she does sneak to the dishwasher when it is open! What lovely photos on your blog regarding Dolly. She looks very content and the puppies look beautiful. Well done again! I do not know who is the most tired, you or Dolly. Hope everyone is fine and I see your youngest has started school. I bet she is loving every minute of it as she seemed quite a social little girl when we came down last. Best wishes Tony and Judith MegLast update for now is from Sarah and Andrew who have Meg who is from my Mum's Cleo and thanks Sarah for the photos, videos and update letting me know all is well. Hi to all people and paws at pound lane. Sorry its taken so long for us to send a meg update. All of a sudden megs a year old time has passed so quickly. We love her to bits and she makes us laugh a lot. We did the puppy gurus training which has been brilliant. Both the basic and advanced class. Pudsy shouldn't be too worried as megs more of a sofa snuggler than preformer. The picture's show her recent summer hair cut. We did like the long scruffy look but with the hotter weather she seems a lot happier and a bit faster. As I write this she's curled up next to me on the sofa. Shes a proper tart and wants attention from everyone. Even the cats are tolerating her more and I've seen some head rubbing going on between cats and dog which is promising. We've taken camping and she was amazing except running into another caravan to say hello to their collie! We feel so lucky to have such an amazing little dog. Seeing pictures of dollies black pups brings back excited memories of meg as a pup. Wishing you all the best from Sarah and Andrew fuller. Ysobel's four Cavapoo pups are now over two weeks old and had their first dose of worming at two weeks old. Their eyes started to open a couple days ago and they are becoming more mobile by the day and can do wobbly standing now. Ysobel is really well and with only four pups they are getting quite podgy. Dolly's pups are now nine weeks old and next weekend most will be leaving us. They are really up for adventure now and one has to be careful not to leave a gate or door ajar else we have a puppy spillage. It takes some keeping an eye on seven bundles of fluff hurtling themselves around in such a fearless fashion. A video tonight and sorry that not all the pups feature in it but will try to get some more footage before the end of the week. Its actually harder than you think filming pups and also making sure they do not come to any harm, thay really are a handful altogether out and about the property. Its getting even harder to catch them in a photo unless their asleep or thinking about it. Hope you enjoy this group of photo's taken over the week. Finally a bit of a Henry montage. My oldest son has taken well to giving Henry his education and each day they disappear for an hour or so walking up the road and through local woodlands and as you can see from the photo's Bert is very taken with his charge. When asked why the dogs all look to me and generally where I am the dogs will be (afraid that also includes the bathroom) and he wants Henry to be like that with him, I told Bert, "If you want Henry to be your dog, it must be you who walks him and you must make being with you fun." I give guidance and have snuggle time with Henry when Bert goes to bed, believe me taking a back sit is hard and although Henry knows I'm the boss, he is also developing a close bond to my son which is very rewarding to help and watch flourish. Lastly tonight I just wanted to let all know that I am no longer on the Kennel Club Assured Breeder Scheme, as I won't register crossbreed pups on the Activity register and I intend at a latter blog to go into this in more depth but after waiting for all the photo's to load up tonight I have managed to consume a couple glasses of wine and that mixed with a 5 am start or to be precise a 5.05 am start, (as turned alarm off this morning under reflex reaction, thankfully woke 5 minutes later thinking its pitch dark, wonder what the time is, you never seen me move so qiuck, have not done that for a while, must remember to place obstacle course infront of alarm clock, when a bedside lamp falls on your head that's enough to wake most up. Lol) I'm now feeling more like going to bed than doing a blog.
19/8/2013 01:46:17 am
Thank you so much for all the pictures, I am so happy to see Darcey getting so many cuddles! The fact that she has been brought up with children means I have much less to worry about when she meets my 5 year old niece and nephew. The video of the pups trying to eat Henry was great and for a young boy he is very tolerant. Only 5 days to go!!!!! Comments are closed.
“The greatest pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him, and not only will he not scold you,but he will make a fool of himself, too.”
― Samuel Butler Me (Jane) with Puddin' and Teagol, waiting patiently to flush a patch of kale, December 2019
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