![]() "Hi Jane, Just to let you know, Daisy was a superstar on the way home. As predicted she was a bit sick initially, but then all three girls had a sleep until we got to Reading services, where they all woke up in a better frame of mind. Daisy attracted quite a crowd, but took it all in her stride. After that, she slept in the back with the girls. After a shaky start, Isabelle got over her dog phobia and they're making friends. She's settled in really quickly at home, exploring everywhere in great detail. She seems happy just following the girls around at the moment. Thank you so much for providing us with a new member of our family. We've all fallen in love with her. Laura" Lovely to hear all went well with Daisy on the trip home and good to hear Isabelle is making friends with Daisy. Isabelle is only three and a little while ago a dog approached her and chomped the ice cream she was eating, leaving her a bit apprehensive with dogs, which is to be expected, I'm pretty sure Daisy will soon get her over this. Thanks Laura for letting me know you all got home safely and for the cute photos of Daisy and your girls. Yesterday I got an update on how Daisy's brother Bertie 2 is getting on, now called Bertie Boo. Bertie Boo left us last Saturday. ![]() "Hi Jane Quick update & photo of Bertie. He's getting much better at night with his crate in our bedroom. Has been to socialisation class and he was by far the best behaved! He licked a bee and got stung on his tongue, vets removed, gave anti histamine and he was fine. Is just adorable in every way. No problem with house training at all, he goes outside. Hope all okay your end and pups all good. Em :-) x" Our old pupster now passed away, when a pup got stung on the side of his face needing antihistamines due to swelling and Bertie Boo's Dad Henry had a close encounter with a wasp as a young dog, but luckily the swelling did not warrant a visit to the vets. Thanks Emma for letting me know how Bertie Boo is getting on. Then today a lovely update for adorable Alfie, who is Daisy and Bertie Boo's brother and left us on Wednesday. ![]() "Hi Jane and David, Alfie is settling in really well. He has bonded very well with us and is responding to his name, sitting on command and is clean indoors. He s a bright and happy boy, very active when playing but loves a quiet cuddle too... He s an absolute joy. We registered him with our vet yesterday and she remarked how relaxed he was... He got lots of cuddles and treats from the vet assistants as you can imagine. He s not showing much interest with the food we brought back with us tho', in fact when I added a bit of chicken to tempt him he managed to wheedle all the chicken out and left most of the biscuits. So any advice would be welcomed. He loves the treats however! Were not unduly worried tho as everything else is working well! We are recognising the signs when he needs to go outside so he is training us well! He s bit unsettled at night though, but it's early days and no doubt he will settle when he s completely sure of us. He is showing interest in lots of new things.... We have a lot of planes flying over as we re on the gatwick flight path but he just watches with curiosity and we re also on the route to a busy hospital so there are always ambulances passing by with sirens and he s not bothered by that either... All in all he seems a very confident little chap and that's all down to your attention and dedication so a very big thankyou to you and your family... We feel we are very lucky to have such a lovely companion in Alfie. He loves our grandchildren and they love him, there are two more to meet... My sons two boys..... Who live a bit further away than Sarah and her family. We hope to introduce him to lexy next week and we ll be using the adaptil spray to help with that! So many thanks again. We can't thank you enough love Joan and Colin x" Thanks Joan and Colin, it is so good to hear how well things are going. I emailed Joan and Colin back earlier with some advice about his eating, "I would not worry to much about how much he is eating. If you are offering him food he will take as much as he needs, he won't starve himself. His food needs will change to the weather, hot weather dogs don't need to eat quite so much and if getting treats etc you should alter his food accordingly, most treats like human treats are calorie high, that is why they love them, because higher fat, salt and sugar. A dogs drivers (fat, sugar and salt) for eating are much the same as humans hence why they will eat most things we will. You could try some wet tinned dog food mixed with his biscuits, because it is wet it will stick to the biscuits and will be harder to pick out." Eating enough when a pup leaves us is one of the top things we get asked about when a pup leaves us. Very often a pup for the first few days won't eat so much, whilst settling in to their new surroundings. Stress just like with humans can suppress the appetite. A puppy will not starve itself to death and if you keep to a feeding routine, they will take enough for their needs. We now only have four of Smudge's pups left with us. We are keeping two of the girls Blottie and Bumble, and we have the pleasure of Bertie and Tilly's company until next weekend. The slideshow is from the last couple days before Daisy left us today.
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“The greatest pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him, and not only will he not scold you,but he will make a fool of himself, too.”
― Samuel Butler Me (Jane) with Puddin' and Teagol, waiting patiently to flush a patch of kale, December 2019
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