Struggling along at the moment as on Sunday after Honey left for her new home my throat started to feel sore & within a couple hours I was shivering with the cold & the glands under my chin either side of my neck where like marbles & very sore. Not much difference some four days later which has worn me down a little but its amazing how you can keep going with round the clock over the counter medication. Feels a bit like flu & have not felt this rough for around 12 years when I got flu carrying my first child & I was 7 months pregnant. Anyway enough my self pity. Toby, Mojo & Honey left us last weekend for their new homes. Have heard from Mojo's new home already & all seems well as Mojo settles into his new family. This saturday will see Spencer leave & then on Monday Henry will leave for his new home. Just keeping these two on an extra week you can see the personalities develop even more with Spencer being a quite confident but laid back boy. Henry is a little more reserved than Henry but has found his voice the last couple days & you can play with him & he will vocalise his joy with you woofing at him & him returning your woofs in a friendly playful woof. Have some lovely photo's of pups from Dolly's & Ysabel's litters born back the end of October 2011 & beginning of November 2011. Alfie I think you could say has a bit of the Reggie about him. Apart from a bit of a scare when Alfie impaled a piece of twig up his nose he is doing really well & the commands Tony & Gina have taught him are a credit to them. This crossbreed does enjoy learning & stimulation of their brain is an important factor for a pup as just like a human when young they are like a sponge & if taught right from wrong can amaze you at what they can learn with a bit of positive encouragement. Next is photo's of Alfie's litter sibling Poppy. She is such a pretty little Poppet & she too has been showing Julie & her family how quick she can learn & how social she is. They have two cats & the youngest cat is almost at the stage of playing with her. Lastly is Ysabel's Otis who loves bubbles & wants to make friends with the cat who is not so sure of him yet. Corrie says " he is really part of the family & a bundle of fun!" He has been a bit nippy playing but Corrie has read up on steps to discourage this when playing with him & things are going well. Lastly tonight Millie who we hope to be at least a couple weeks in pup now is really well & we will hope to scan her around the 14th Feb, so fingers crossed. She has been incredible loving the last couple days but if in or not in pups after coming of heat her hormones for around 4 to 5 weeks after coming of heat will make her body think she is in pups regardless of if she is or isn't, so any change in temperment is to be expected in a bitch after just being in heat. It just a waiting game now !
Sue Etheridge
2/2/2012 02:20:14 pm
I love the lastest photo's ,Jessica looks like she is going to be a stunning dog and the photo of Lucy with Spencer is very sweet. Hope you feel better soon.
3/2/2012 02:01:04 am
Hello Sue,
3/2/2012 01:56:20 am
Morning Jane,
Sue Etheridge
3/2/2012 03:17:35 am
Hello Tracey,
3/2/2012 08:29:12 am
Hello sue,
3/2/2012 07:52:00 am
Hi Jane, Comments are closed.
“The greatest pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him, and not only will he not scold you,but he will make a fool of himself, too.”
― Samuel Butler Me (Jane) with Puddin' and Teagol, waiting patiently to flush a patch of kale, December 2019
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