Birthday greetings tonight for Maisy, Archie, Milly and Jenson who had their second birthday today. Maisy, Archie, Milly and Jenson are from Primrose's first litter, with their Dad being Reggie. Thanks Sue for getting in touch and sending me the sweet bit of video of Maisy in slow motion shaking water from her coat. Hope Maisy and her siblings are all doing well and had a lovely second birthday. Hi Jane, we've just realised it's Maisy's birthday! Here's a little video of her at the beach (hopefully it will come with the slow motion bit in it?!). She's practising for a L'oreal advert!! She continues to be a complete joy. Hope you're well. Love Sue I was hoping things had quietened down with inquiries about pups, as we won't have any now until late Spring 2015 and as our 'Buying a Puppy From Poundlane' page explains, we will open waiting lists, as bitches are confirmed in pups. Over the last week though my inbox has filled up and I will get back to everyone, but when I say that we do not have a waiting list open at this time, I don't mean, I have one out the back you can go on. There is no waiting list at this time, or a waiting list to go on the waiting list. We are also not taking visitors until and as bitches are confirmed in pups and this is because a few years ago we had open house all year round to visit us, whether we had a litter at the time or not and it was getting to a stage, that every weekend we would have visitors and when we kept back a Cavapoo, so you could also visit us and view an adult Cavapoo, it came apparent that some were visiting us just to view a Cavapoo as an adult with no intention of waiting for our next litter and few days after visiting us would email to thank us for letting them see an adult Cavapoo, it had made up their mind to have one and had found one within a few days of visiting us, so to save wasting our time and us wasting your time, we will open waiting lists and our doors as and when bitches are confirmed in pups by scanning around 28 days into their gestation's. At the moment I'm enjoying the next few months and we will start health tests at the end of the year into the beginning of next year and although we will have in mind litters for 2015 at the end of the year, only once health tests are all completed will we be sure of each pairing going ahead and that will be around the beginning of 2015. Photos and video footage of our dogs all come courtesy of our oldest son Bert. As I was getting in laundry off the clothes line and putting more out (laundry is never ending with six children and with my husband and me working in agriculture) Bert came out with the camera taking photos of the dogs up on the lawn with me, watching me. Just before I had come out to get the laundry out, I had been getting dinner ready, roast chicken for Sunday dinner, so it was chicken stew tonight for dinner, I had just put the dough boys (dumplings) in and thought twenty minutes to do the laundry change over on the clothes line and had been talking to Bert and had suggested if he liked, he could give Reggie a bath, as he was a little whiffy (stinky), so I left the kitchen with him preparing the bathing chamber for Reggie. I was getting on with doing the laundry and did not realise Bert was still running a bath for Reggie, when Bert appeared with camera taking photos of the dogs and asked me to pose with Reggie and then Henry, also as you may realise, I thought at first he was taking photos, not filming. In this video you will see how much Reggie likes to lick and his tongue almost resembles that of an ant eaters. The vet I use for testing my dogs eyes, said that a dog that licks a lot, can be an indication that it was hand reared or weaned early, though seeing as many of Reggies pups display this habit, I consider with Reggie, it might be more nature than nurture. Thankfully our youngest, Tilly comes out to me to ask why a bath is being run, and then Bert forgets he is still filming as he runs in to find the bathroom like a sauna. Excuse our sons expletives, I really don't know where he gets such a potty mouth from. Lol. I was going to start measuring heads and getting on with the blog with all the dogs craniums measured and cephalic ratios worked out, but you know I said about our children, " if it ain't nailed down," well our oldest son in his wisdom thought my measuring calipers were a bit stiff to use and has took them apart with the intention of improving the mechanism but has buggered up the mechanism, so they are even stiffer to move now. I think I can sort them out. Children, who'd have 'em. Comments are closed.
“The greatest pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him, and not only will he not scold you,but he will make a fool of himself, too.”
― Samuel Butler Me (Jane) with Puddin' and Teagol, waiting patiently to flush a patch of kale, December 2019
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