I was not going to blog tonight after yesterdays blog took me until midnight to finish but I then received a couple updates. So I'm trying not to get to behind with things, so have blogged tonight before the inbox gets to full of updates, as I have allowed in the past. I am rather bogged down with unanswered emails enquiring about future litters and I will get back to every one in the next couple days. The first update tonight is from Dotty's family. Lovely to see your daughters so comfortable with Dotty.Thanks Caroline and hope it goes well weaning her on to two meals aday now. Hi Jane! Hope all is well your end and that Ysobel's puppies had safe journeys to their new homes. Dotty is wonderful and thriving, she s really coming on in her training, and Annabel has even been nominated for an award at the centre for overcoming her fears and young dog handling! Dotty took us by surprise the other day by following some big dogs we were walking with -with great gusto- bellyflopping into a lake (my heart stopped) and (thankfully) swimming!!! I'm not sure she ll throw herself in again in a hurry, but she definitely enjoys paddling and splashing! Did I imagine it or did you suggest when Dotty should go down to 2 meals per day? As they come up to 18wks old I thought I should check with you as opinions seem to vary, and is this something you need to do gradually when it's time? Best wishes to you all Caroline Next update is from Tracey and seems Charlie has a fair pair of lumgs. Hopefully he will soon get used to his crate and I have every confidence in you getting him there Tracey with Roxy to help him as well. Thanks Tracey for the update and cute photos of Charlie and Roxy. Hello Jane, I wanted to give it a couple days before letting you know how the little fellow is getting on. He cried for only 10 minutes in the car just as we set off down the lane, & traveled really well all the way back to Hornchurch Essex! Roxy has told him off a few times as he keeps trying to suckle from her & as young as he is, he has even tried a bit of the ours your father lol but she soon puts him in his place! He has definitely showed us he has a pair of lungs alright.... I have now taken to putting a blanket over his house just to see if this helps as I feel he will benefit from the safe haven feel :-) especially at night time. As you can see from the photos it's really starting to work. Thank you Jane for yet again giving us such a super fantastic puppy. Glad to hear Dexter is doing ok,& would have been nice to have met you Caroline. I also hope all goes well for Olive & Bailey :-) xx As we said we will be Back again in the spring for a visit.... Then again you never know! JOKE :-) xx One thing I did forget to mention was... Charlie so far is going out to the garden when he wants to go to the toilet! :-) take care Jane Best wishes Tracey X:-)X Just got this group of photos tonight of our pack, as Dolly off heat now and the pack can all chill together. My husband had just come home after 8 pm and was eating his chicken stew and dumplings. Which then presented a moment to get some photos of the dogs transfixed on my husband as he eat his supper. Dogs are so switched to our body langauge and its funny to watch them and as David slows up eating they get closer, sensing he has had enough and knowing not long now before they get to clean his plate, who needs a dish washer with these around.Lol. They also understand that when we are scrapping our plate or bowl that we are finished and they will position themselves ready to be given the plate or bowl to clean. Treacle from Dolly's litter has fitted into the pack and we have something we now call the Dyke Van Dyke Syndrome or the Mary Poppins Syndrome occuring with her. Most people on being told her name start to talk cockney and instead of calling her Treacle, we get "alright me old Treacle." I must admit I find I am also suffering from this syndrome, dropping into cockney everytime I call her and even our children seem to be picking up this habit. Treacle is short for the cockney slang treacle tart meaning sweetheart. If you have never watched Mary Poppins and heard Dick Van Dyke's really bad cockney accent, what I have typed may of made no sense but that's alright me old treacle.
17/10/2013 08:38:26 am
Hi Jane
17/10/2013 02:55:28 pm
Aww sorry to hear Decter has to wear the bucket it was a good job Caroline you had asked the vet in the first place. Hopefully he doesn't have to wear the collar for too long! Yes Caroline it would be lovely to meet you & a great idea to meet halfway :-) I'm trying a different strategy as far as the barking & howling is concerned during the night! I have taken down the crate now & added the two un-used sides of the pen so now we have an hexagram shape big enough to take both beds. In theroy I'm hoping Charlie will settle better in the night if Roxy is in with him. I have also put a small ticking clock inside the zipper of his bed to mimic Ysobel's heart beat hopefully after tonight I can say we have turned a corner fingers crossed :-) xx
18/10/2013 06:00:22 am
Hi Tracey, yes I felt so sad for Dexter with the dreaded lampshade. I've actually found a new inflatable collar ( pro collar) this is much better than the cone as it still allows Dexter to get to his food and drink without any problem. He can also see around., which the cone restricted him and I could tell that it was getting him down.
18/10/2013 07:10:52 am
Yay we have a breakthrough :-) Charlie was as quiet as a mouse last night. Being with Roxy is all he needed I think so hopefully onwards. & upwards! :-) xx
18/10/2013 09:44:07 am
As they say down your way 'well Jel'! Lol. I think I might try a ticking clock tonight; Xx
18/10/2013 01:29:46 pm
Let Charlie off the lead today & he loved every Minuit! He also enjoyed the attention he got at Jodie's school & as been in & out the pen all day today, so making the decision to let them both be together in the pen was the right one to make I should have done it sooner as i don't think he would have been half as bad with the howling. & barking! Still better late than never I think the ticking clock also helps!:-) xx
18/10/2013 01:39:20 pm
"Oh shut up" lol sorry Caroline I couldn't resist:-) yes good idea Caroilne give the ticking clock a go! :-) Xx
19/10/2013 06:46:45 am
Super star Charlie slept for 9 hrs last night! I think it's safe to now say he has turned a corner :-) I hope the clock worked for Dexter Caroline xx :-)
19/10/2013 10:13:24 am
Hi Tracey, not tried the clock yet as we've no batteries until I go shopping. Dexter slept last night for 7 hours, so he's getting better day by day. Took him to the park today where he met lots of other dogs including a massive mountain dog. He walked up gingerly then both sniffed each other. I offered a treat to the big dog, telling him to sit and how sweet and rewarding to also see Dexter sit, looking up at me. So of course he got a treat and a big fuss. Love him so much. They really are fab puppies. Caroline xx
19/10/2013 11:34:34 am
Well done Dexter! He is doing well 7 hrs is pretty good going after all we have only had them for a week. We took Charlie to the Park on Thursady & let him off the lead he loved it. I'm also weaning him off the Millie's Kitchen , not because there's anything wrong with it I just think it will be a pain in the bum to get hold of, so I have put him on what Roxy has only in puppy form.
19/10/2013 03:05:23 pm
That's great about Dexter being off the lead. I'm not sure when I will feel confident enough that Dexter will come back when were out. At home he does fetch and come back and today have been teaching him to drop the toy when he gets back to me. It's just scary being in a park and trusting that he'll come back. I guess in time I will have a good idea! Xx The longer you leave it the harder it will be especially while he is so small you will find he won't really want to leave your side & as long as you keep calling & treating he will stay with you show him the treat first & see how he goes! I always remember when Roxy was a puppy I was really worried about letting her off until one day I saw a lady that went puppy training she gave me the courage to let her off the lead saying if I left it to long it will be to late. So as long as you are own your own or with someone who's dog does come when called you should be fine as they are usually to frightened to leave your side. Xx :-)
Jane Howarth
20/10/2013 07:17:48 am
Hello Caroline,
20/10/2013 09:29:19 am
Hi Jane and Tracey. Comments are closed.
“The greatest pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him, and not only will he not scold you,but he will make a fool of himself, too.”
― Samuel Butler Me (Jane) with Puddin' and Teagol, waiting patiently to flush a patch of kale, December 2019
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