Dolly is in the first stage of labour which is a phase very often missed. This is about 24 hours before whelping (giving birth) the bitches temperature will drop from the normal temperature for a dog of around 38.3-39.2o Celcius to as low as 36 Celcius when it bottoms out this low as Dolly's has this morning & with her of her food & as I type this she is vigourisly digging her bed I would hope for birth between 2 to 12 hours. So fingers crossed & hope to have news soon. Thought the photo above was funny with Dolly sitting beside Reggie fast asleep she probably is thinking "if your this tired now what you going to be like as a birthing partner." lol
Dawn, Wayne, Buffy
28/10/2011 06:44:08 am
Buffy has gone beyond excitement. We are all looking forward to seeing the first pictures of Dolly's puppies.
Tricia Quick
28/10/2011 07:33:40 am
Even though we're not on Dolly's 'list', still hoping all goes well for all of you
vanessa handley
28/10/2011 08:04:53 am
Good luck to Dolly and we look forward to seeing pictures and updates of her and her puppies,
Julie, Alan, Lauren and Lily
28/10/2011 08:22:56 am
Everyone here in Clapham very excited too - the girls will be checking your blog pretty much continuously for more news!
28/10/2011 09:19:12 am
Good luck Dolly we look forward to seeing your puppies real soon.
vanessa handley
28/10/2011 12:25:51 pm
Hi tracey,
28/10/2011 02:24:34 pm
Its just that very first time, I know how you feel but once you have taken the plunge you will not look back! I'm sure Alfie will be just fine. I can't help but feel really excited for all the people that are hoping to get one of Dolly's pups as it does not seem that long ago that I was waiting with bated breath myself! Hope to hear that you have taken the plunge soon good luck
louise lawford
28/10/2011 08:27:17 pm
this is great news, only just looked on blog as been up till silly hours baking cakes for halloween!! i want to go and wake the kids with the news but i wont ill wait till morning, good luck Dolly big hugs xxxxx Comments are closed.
“The greatest pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him, and not only will he not scold you,but he will make a fool of himself, too.”
― Samuel Butler Me (Jane) with Puddin' and Teagol, waiting patiently to flush a patch of kale, December 2019
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