Looks like Harvey is going to be the last festive greeting for 2014. Thanks Liza for making the time to update me on Harvey and to let me know how much mayhem and destruction he has left in his path. ![]() "Hi Jane and Family I hope you all had a lovely Christmas - apologies for late email. I had a busy one with family so thought I'd get one in before 2015 ! Harvey has had a lovely 1st Christmas and is getting on really well. As you can see he is sporting his new Christmas scarf, helping to wrap pressies and the last is an example of what he does if left to his own devices. He has enjoyed opening presents that were not meant for him, he has pee'd up two Christmas trees - one at work and a friends artificial one, has stolen most of the baubles off the tree, pulled the lights off and shook teddy father Christmas to death. As you know he is a total foodie which is developing in to a thief and was even caught eating the left over goose off the Christmas table while our backs were turned snoozing on the sofa. Despite disgracing himself on many occasions and no one trusting him he is much loved and is a real character. I'd love to know how naughty (Jake/Brian) turned out as Harvey was his side kick. He is having his operation (castration) on 2 January which is a little early as I would prefer to wait a year but as you know one of his testicles never dropped so I thought it best and this will give him a few days rest before returning back to work. Well - i wish you all a very Happy 2015 Love and best wishes Liza & Harvey xxxx" Harvey's brother Jake visited us the end of August and seemed very settled in with his family, but I dare say he might of got up to some mischief at Christmas, t'is the season for it. Liza mentions about Harvey's retained testicle which with Harvey being 10 months old has not dropped yet and I would say that at this age now, it probably will not. When Harvey is castrated the vet will also remove the retained testicle, sometimes, no testicle is found and the dog has only one testicle. Unless the dog is being bought for breeding a retained testicle is not something that should cause concern and if castrating at a later date can be removed easily enough with the other dropped testicle. My old Cavalier boy Smidge had a retained testicle and he was castrated at around twelve months old. Thanks again Liza and all the best for the New Year ! ![]() I am now winding it up for 2014. The photo was taken just now by our youngest Tilly, I was rubbing my eyes, as had just been cooking onions, to look up and see a camera in my face. I'm milking tomorrow morning, so one of the places I milk for, the nephew can go out on the lash (drinking). Lightweights these days, when I was a young slip of a thing I could go out, come home in the early hours, get changed and go straight back out to work, mind you my thing was dancing and not drinking until I bring up more than I put in (Why does that happen ?), can't see the enjoyment of memory loss and making yourself feel like shit the next day and look like shit as well, although it is interesting watching people who do, especially if not much on the telly. Lol I like working on New Years morning as it's almost surreal driving to and from the farms I milk for, as you won't see a soul, as if humanity has been wiped from the planet over night, although I suspect many will feel like the living dead when they awake on New Years day. For someone who was not going to blog the other day until 2015, I seem to have had rather a lot to say, so finally for 2014, for those out on the lash, be careful out there tonight and help those who can't help themselves and for the rest of us seeing in the New Year from the comfort of our sofa or armchair have an enjoyable evening with your feet up watching, I suspect repeats on the telly. The last photo on the blog for 2014 I'm going to hand you over to Henry, looking probably like a lot of you are going to look like tomorrow morning, wasted. Lol P.S, Forgot to mention above that I will get round to answering email inquiries that I have had over the Christmas period in the New Year and please read the "Future Litter" page before contacting me, as it states the litters we hope to breed in 2015 and will save you time and me, thanks !
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“The greatest pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him, and not only will he not scold you,but he will make a fool of himself, too.”
― Samuel Butler Me (Jane) with Puddin' and Teagol, waiting patiently to flush a patch of kale, December 2019
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