Last night I nearly gave up trying to load this video up and finally at 12.55 pm I got the job done. When up loading a video if it goes, "Oops !" and can't load it within a couple minutes of trying to load it, I'm not pulling my hair out but often it likes to play with your head and spends forever loading it up and then goes to encoding and you can almost taste that it is loaded and just as a couple seconds off encoding are left, it decides it don't like that video and spits it out at you. Fiddle around again and what ever I do, which I have yet to work out, it then goes, okay then I'm going to let you upload this video now. Before we get to the videos there are a few photos taken whilst I waited for the video to upload last night taken by my husband, David. We were watching the world cup semi final between Argentina and Netherlands, well my husband was, I was going in and out of semi consciousness, until he started taking photos because Dolly and Smudge lying on the end of the sofa I was slumped on, were lying very cutely together and he then thought he might catch me nodding off with the dogs on the other end of the sofa, I adopt a sort of Mona Lisa smile. Jessica and Toby who are on my lap are very cuddly dogs. Jessica is going on so well after having one of her back legs amputated after injuring it a few months ago. This evening she was with her brother Toby bombing around the lawn, you would not know at full speed she was missing a leg and it only becomes apparent as she slows down, as at walk her movement due to less momentum becomes more of a hopping movement. I will try to get some footage of her when playing and bombing about. Finally to this video that nearly done my head in getting it to load up on the blog. The title becomes apparent as the video starts and our daughter speaks, as she follows me as she is filming, keep the volume down due to loud children and the wind was blowing here a bit yesterday afternoon which can be heard on the video. The first bit is our seven year old daughter filming and I had to cut a lot of it due to her moving the camera eratically or seeming to fix the camera on filming my elbow. I asked her when viewing her footage, why she kept filming my elbow and she said, "You have strong elbows Mum and I want people to see your strong elbows." Lol. Children do say some funny things, our oldest child said to me the other day, that a friend of his wished he had a Mum like his, because his Mum is more strict than me about school work, when his friend made this remark, my son told me his reply was, "Yes, my Mum cares, but not that much." I liked that so much, if I was going to have a grave stone, which I'm not, but sorely tempted now after my son saying that, it would read, "Here lies Jane, she cared, but not that much." Enjoy the video ! Comments are closed.
“The greatest pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him, and not only will he not scold you,but he will make a fool of himself, too.”
― Samuel Butler Me (Jane) with Puddin' and Teagol, waiting patiently to flush a patch of kale, December 2019
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